Shane Madej

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Shane looked up at Ryan, his fists were stuck in duck tape, as well as his legs. His mouth was blocked with duck tape, too. Shane looked down, guilty with trying to threaten Ryan. 

Ryan got onto his knees and got the duck tape off of Shane, each piece leaving a faded red mark. There were cuts on Shane, too. Almost exactly like the ones Ryan got once he awoken from the darkness. 

Shane looked up at Ryan, his eyes reflected his anger. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Why did you hurt me?"

"Shane, it wasn't me! I swear to god it wasn't me who hurt you!" Shane watched as Ryan, one by one, rolled up the silver duck tape in the palm of his hands. He noticed Ryan's palms were sweaty. Was he afraid?

Shane stood up. He pushed Ryan aside and walked over to the bed. An old maroon-colored blanket laid across it, similar to the color of old blood- blood that has been there for quite a while. He laid down, his feet lying off the bed. The sunlight shone through the only window in the room. Shane watched as cars flew by, the cars creating color in this boring atmosphere. He sighed, his mind drawing blank. All Shane could do now was watch the cars fly by. They wouldn't be leaving for quite some time now, since Shane and Ryan were the first to wake up in the crew. 

Shane tilt his head to the side as he heard Ryan's footsteps come near him. He shut his eyes as Ryan threw the old duck tape-balls at Shane. He could sense anger just by his actions.

"Shane, listen to me. I didn't hurt you. I'd never do that to you!" 

Shane quietly sighed. He wasn't going to believe Ryan was possessed. He couldn't be. There's no such thing as ghosts. "Ryan, I know you're trying to make me believe, but it won't happen," Shane said, after letting out a long sigh of disproval.

"Shane, I'm not fucking lying to you! I'd never do that-"

Shane rolled over onto his side, the ruff blanket scratched his arms like claws from a cat, or any animal. An animal like Ryan. He knew Ryan would give up eventually and leave Shane alone, something he wanted to have for a while. But working at BuzzFeed stressed him out- constant deadlines, coming up with video ideas, and editing. Everyday. Day after day. He wasn't allowed any alone time to himself. But at least his friends were there everyday. 

Shane tilt his head to the side, feeling something brush up against his side for a brief moment. Ryan was lying next to him. Great. What's he going to do next? Shane looked down at his legs, his legs were curled up, since they weren't able to fully fit on the bed. He heard a sound coming from Ryan, like he was trying to talk to Shane. Shane felt hands lay on his side. He turned his head to the side once again to notice Ryan, clinging to his side.

"Shane..." Shane rotated his body to lay on his back. He looked over at the tiny guy, who looked scared than before. "Why won't you believe?"

Shane took a quick glance at Ryan, then stared at the ceiling. Why did Ryan want to know about this now? Shane paused before speaking, trying to find the correct words. He opened s mouth to speak but was interrupted by Ryan.

"Why won't you believe I'm possessed?"

Shane sat up on the bed, allowing him to watch Ryan better. His tone of voice was different before he got beaten by Ryan, so were his actions. He knew what he wanted to say, but how would Ryan take it? He could lose all the trust the two friends have gained over the years of working at BuzzFeed.

Shane found his words once again, and thankfully, he wasn't interupted by Ryan, again. "I just don't believe in the supernatural. I need more evidence to believe-"

"But I'm evidence," Shane looked down and noticed Ryan hugging him. He seemed taller in this position, but Ryan would still always be the tiny believer Shane knew. 

Shane didn't understand Ryan's words. What does he mean by 'evidence?' Surely Ryan wasn't hiding something from him. Was he? Shane couldn't tell for sure. 

"Shane... What happened last night?" Ryan mumbled, leaning against Shane as if he fainted.

"Last night? Well.... I got you radio message and did what you told me. And we came here..."

He looked over at Ryan. Why did he want to know all of a sudden? Why was all this confusing Shane? He stared into Ryan's dark eyes, his reflection was off in Ryan's eyes. Something was reflecting off of them, as if something else was watching Ryan and Shane. Yep, something was off. 

"You're hiding something, Madej. Spill the beans, Madej, or else he'll get the pain!"

Shane blinked. What the hell was Ryan talking about? Shane looked around the room, the atmosphere started to drop in temperature. He felt light headed. Something was off and he needed to find out. He needed to find out as quick as he possibly can do. 

Not only was Ryan a friend to Shane, but he felt like a brother towards him. They both have known each other for quite some time, and they both see each other every single day. They had a good relationship between them both. And one thing brothers always do is protect the innocent. Shane needed to protect Ryan, his 'brother' as soon as he possibly could. How would he escape Ryan now?

Shane snapped out of his thoughts, sweat dripping from his large forehead, as Ryan would always call it. He was no longer sitting on the bed. Instead, Ryan was picking him up in midair, with his fists clenched in the fabric of Shane's shirt. 

The same eerie voice called from Ryan's body, threatening him again. "Spill the beans, Madej. If you don't, then this body won't be returned to you again."

Body? Shane was confused. He told him everything about last night. Well-almost everything. But what else was there? Surely Ryan remembered some of the moments. Shane looked down at Ryan, and stared into his eyes once again. This time, he was frozen in time. 

As quick as someone can snap their fingers, Ryan returned to normal, but due to Shane's weight, they both fell, Shane falling on top of Ryan.

He quickly got up and looked at Ryan's expression. Once again, full of guilt. Now he truly understood that this wasn't the real Ryan Bergara he knew. Something was control ping his body every now and then. 

"I-I'm sorry, Shane! I really am!" Shane pulled Ryan in for a hug, like this morning, allowing Ryan to cry into his shoulder. 

Shane hasn't seen this side of Ryan before, but he had to admit, it was kind of cute. But what did the other Ryan mean about body?

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