Chapter 1

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"You can't be serious!," Jimin yelled with utter shock. "You're literally gonna leave the house when it's two in the morning?!?!"

"I mean, I have things to do tomorrow, Jimin," Taehyung said with a yawn. "I'm even tired, and I don't wanna be a bother of staying here."

"But you're not a bother, Tae!," Jimin pouted as he wrapped his arms around Taehyung for a tight hug.

Taehyung sighed and hugged his best friend back while resting his head on top of Jimin's, "But I really can't stay, Jimin. Maybe some other time, but I have to go to work tomorrow and I'll only get a few hours of sleep."

"Ah, I should've never made you stay over so late, this is my fault," Jimin said sadly as he tightened his grip on Taehyung.

Taehyung patted Jimin's soft, blonde hair, "No, it isn't your fault, Jimin. It was fun hanging out for that long again!"

Jimin pulled away to stare at his best friend, "R-Really? You had fun with me?"

"Of course I did, Jimin!," Taehyung exclaimed with his boxy smile. "I always have fun with you!"

"Are you sure?," Jimin asked. "I thought you hated my company!"

"Don't believe me?," Taehyung laughed with a smirk. "You better believe me!"

Without warning, Taehyung used all of his might to lift Jimin over his shoulder while laughing uncontrollably as Jimin was laughing also, and kicking his feet as well as hitting Taehyung's back playfully.

"Hey!!! Let me go!!!!," Jimin laughed hysterically.

"I don't think so!," Taehyung smiled as he carried Jimin to the couch, and finally set him down. "Okay, okay fine! Here I put you down."

Jimin giggled as he let go of Taehyung's arms, "Okay, thanks! I get it, you do like my company."

Taehyung ruffled Jimin's hair playfully, "You thought I was gonna lie to my own best friend?!"

"No, no. I believed you, I really did!," Jimin smiled. "But really, it's getting late. If you're gonna go home, you better get going! Who knows who's out there to murder this late at night."

Taehyung nodded, "Yeah, you're right. I'll text you tomorrow to see what we can do once I get out of work."

Jimin nodded, "Alright, see ya' tomorrow!"

Taehyung waved goodbye to Jimin, throwing his jacket on since it was pretty chilly once it was dark. He also threw on the hood to hide his face, to try and avoid people out and about from seeing his face. He finally walked past an alley when he felt this weird feeling that he was being watched.

"Hm, am I being watched?," Taehyung asked himself as he turned around to see.....nobody. "Hm, what the fuck? That's....weird."

Taehyung continued walked, but started speed walking to get to his apartment quickly. When he finally reached his apartment, Taehyung collapsed onto his bed out of exhaustion.

Taehyung let out a huge yawn, "Damn, I'm super tired....I better sleep because I have to go to work tomorrow. Though, I had so much fun with Jimin today...I've got this feeling. Do I like him?"

Taehyung just laid there, imagining and thinking if he did like Jimin, would he have the same feelings?

"But...," Taehyung began. "That feeling while I was coming home, I really felt like I was being watched...."

Taehyung continued thinking about all that happened until three a.m., to where he fell asleep without getting up at all.

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