Chapter 8

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A few months had passed, and Taehyung hadn't seen any of his other friends in all of that time. Instead, he had been staying in that abandoned shop with The Psychos, but had actually grown close to them. Although with Jungkook, things still seemed foggy. Everyday at the same time when the other members went to sleep, Jungkook would try to seduce Taehyung, even if Jungkook would kiss Taehyung numerous times during the day. Taehyung hadn't gotten over Jimin yet, but was very slowly falling for Jungkook. He was actually getting mad at himself for starting to fall in love with his love's murderer. But he just couldn't help himself, Jungkook's features and personality was too much not to love.

"So now, you won't have to use a knife to commit suicide!," Taehyung smiled as he held S. Mon's hands lovingly.

"'re saying I should use a gun now?," S. Mon asked cluelessly.

"N-No, S. Mon," Taehyung muttered. "I'm saying you shouldn't commit suicide at all!"

"But the pain feels good, Tae," S. Mon said arguably.

"Yeah but if you really do cut a vein next time, you really are dead," Taehyung said. "I don't want one of my friends to leave this world. You have so much to live for, bro!"

S. Mon shrugged, "I mean, I don't really see it that way..."

Taehyung pat his friend's shoulder, "Then you should start seeing it that way!"

Time skip: one hour later...

Finally, Jungkook, Agustina, and Hope had come back from finding supplies for the group. The three surely did come back with a haul this time, unfortunately being unsuccessful with other trips.

"So, how'd you find all this?," Taehyung asked the others suspiciously.

"We jumped these guys behind the market," Hope explained.

"Sad I had to shoot one of em'," Agustina shrugged. "Hope had to take one of them out with his bat."

"What about Jungkook?," S. Mon also asked.

"Jungkook didn't have to do anything this time, except for scaring off the other guys since he was way taller and more scary-looking than Hope and I," Agustina explained with a smirk.

"Speaking of Jungkook...," Hope muttered as he saw the bunny-looking boy rushing over to the rest.

Jungkook scooched in the middle of S. Mon and Taehyung, giving Tae the biggest hug, and taking his bunny mask off only to leave numerous kisses on Taehyung's face.

"Hey, TaeTae!!!," Jungkook chanted. "Did you miss me?!"

Taehyung rolled his eyes as he pushed Jungkook's arms off of him, "I really did miss ALL of you! Yet you guys were only gone for two hours..."

"That's ENOUGH time for you to miss me!," Jungkook pouted. "And you're only supposed to miss ME!"

"Well they ARE my friends too!," Taehyung argued. "Not like it's much to you..."

Suddenly Jungkook looked irritated as he was biting his upper lip, getting to his feet while clutching his fist.

"Guys," Jungkook started. "I want you guys to go...see if you can find those guys we jumped back there at the market."

"But I don't even know what they LOOK like!," S. Mon argued.

"Why do you want us to find them again?," Agustina asked.

"Yeah, I thought we were done with them," Hope added.

"...I want you to finish them off...," Jungkook ordered.

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