Chapter 4

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The ringing of an alarm went off, waking Taehyung up from his deep sleep. He only slept for ten minutes, but it felt like twenty years.

"I can't go to work," Taehyung mumbled. "Not in this state of mind, just not like this..."

Taehyung picked up his phone, and dialed a number...he was calling Joy.

Joy finally answered after a few seconds, "Hello? Tae, is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me, Joy," Taehyung answered with a tired voice.

"Are you okay? You sound sick," Joy said with a worried tone. "Are you sick? Why did you call me?"

Taehyung let out a huge sigh after what felt like years, "Joy...Jimin is dead..."

Joy didn't respond until a few minutes after, "W-What?! What do you mean Jimin's d-dead?! You're kidding! Are you okay?!"

"Listen Joy," Taehyung said. "Tell our boss I'm not going to work today...I don't have the energy to go to work..."

"B-But Taehyung...," Joy stuttered. "What do you mean you don't have the energy?! Where did all of this happen? WHEN did all of this happen?! I don't-"

"Listen to me Joy!", Taehyung finally yelled furiously. "I don't have the time, space, or feeling to talk about it right now! Just tell our boss I'm not going to work, and fucking leave me be!!!"

Without another word, Taehyung hung up on Joy, and collapsed onto the bed. He was so tired at that point that he didn't care who he yelled at, or who he had to turn against.

"No doubt about it," Taehyung finally said. "It was The Psychos...I know it was. But...why would they kill HIM?! Someone was talking to of the guys of the group...they said they'd loved me for a long time...but which boy? S. Mon? Hope? Jungkook? No...Jungkook could never love me..."

Taehyung shrugged it off for now, falling fast asleep for eighteen hours!

" were everything to me...they killed you...I know they did..."

"But wasn't his fault...he loves you!"

"Jimin, who loves me?"

Jimin kissed Taehyung on the lips passionately, Taehyung kissing him back.

Taehyung pulled away, " life is a living hell without you! Why did you have to leave me?!"

A tear rolled down Jimin's cheek, "Because...someone loves you WAY more than I did..."

Taehyung gasped, "'re lying!!"

Jimin shook his head as more tears rolled down his cheeks, "I'm sorry Taehyung, I did love you, and you loved me...although this person somehow loves you way more..."

"Damn it, Jimin!!," Taehyung cried angrily. "You're lying to me!! Stop saying this!"

"'s the truth, Taehyung," Jimin said sadly as he cupped Tae's face with his hands. "I promise'll be way happier...with him..."

Jimin kissed Taehyung on the lips softly once more before disintegrating into thin air. Taehyung watched in horror as Jimin disappeared in front of his eyes.

"JIMIN!!," Taehyung yelled. "JIMIN, COME BACK!!"

Once Jimin finally disappeared, Taehyung slammed his fist down on the ground out of anger.

"Fuck you, Jimin," Taehyung cried. "F-Fuck you...I'm left in this hell, and you tell me I'll be way happier with the person that killed you?! Telling me he loves me more than you did!! You're such a jerk, Jimin...idiot!!"

Taehyung woke up in a cold sweat, seeing he was in his apartment.

He let out a slight sigh of relief, "Ahh good, it was just a dream. Though, I shouldn't be saying dream...I should be saying nightmare. But...what Jimin told me in the dream...would it be true?"

Taehyung had so many questions, he didn't realize it was three in the morning.

"'s dark again...I really slept for a good while," Taehyung sighed. "I'll just go back to sleep...see what happens..."

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