Chapter 2

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Taehyung finally finished cleaning, pulling out a stool to take a break.

"Hm, maybe now I should text Jimin to see what he wants to do today," Taehyung said as he took out his phone to text Jimin.

Another worker in the market, Joy, finished cleaning as well and saw Taehyung texting Jimin. Joy giggled with a huge grin, and walked over to him.

"Still best friends with Jimin I see?," Joy asked as she took a seat next to Taehyung happily.

Taehyung nodded, "Yeah, y'know...he's the best..."

Joy giggled once more, "I can tell, really. Y'know at some points, I feel like you two have feelings for each other."

That comment made Taehyung jump, and drop his phone as he was blushing madly. Joy took notice of all of this and actually started laughing hysterically.

"Y'know, you two wouldn't make a bad couple!," Joy laughed as her face turned red from laughing too hard.

"W-What the h-hell makes y-you say that?!," Taehyung asked with a stutter, still blushing as he picked up his phone. "W-we're just like brothers! N-Nothing more!!"

"Yeah, sure you guys are," Joy giggled. "But it's true, you two wouldn't make a bad match!"

Taehyung shrugged as he went back to texting Jimin, "We're gonna hang out today, wanna join, Joy?"

Joy shook her head, "Nah, I have to go visit my mom after work. It's her birthday today, so I can't leave her for today, but thanks for the offer. Though it looks like you and your boyfriend are gonna have a date, just the two of you!"

"HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!!!!," Taehyung yelled while blushing once again. "AND IT'S NOT A DATE!!!!!!"

Joy patted Taehyung's soft, brown hair playfully, "It's okay Tae, no need to be embarrassed. Though I need to get back to work, so I'll leave you alone for now."

With that said, Joy walked to the back room of the market to continue working. Taehyung sighed as he put away his phone, and got back to work.

Time skip: three hours later...

"Okay guys, I'll see you tomorrow!," Taehyung smiled as he put up his employee uniform.

After putting up the uniform, Taehyung walked out of the market straight to his apartment. He already agreed with Jimin to meet up at a coffee shop, so he had to get changed. Once he got to his apartment, he changed into a warm, red sweater, black jeans, and some plain black sneakers.

"I better text Jimin to see if he's ready to meet up," Taehyung said to himself as he took out his phone to text Jimin.

Taehyung: Hey Jimin? You ready to meet up?

Jimin: Yup! I'm already heading out.

Taehyung: Oh okay, I'll meet you at the coffee shop then!

Jimin: K, see you in a few.

Taehyung: Yeah, see ya' there!

Taehyung put up his phone, and headed out in a hurry to meet up with Jimin. He was quite excited to see his best friend again, though he was a little worried he didn't look nice enough. Once he got to the coffee shop, he saw Jimin at one of the tables outside. Taehyung had to admit, Jimin looked pretty nice. The blonde-haired boy was wearing a pair of thick black glasses, a red and green sweater, a pair of khaki pants, and black Converse.

"What am I feeling?," Taehyung asked himself. "I don't know...but...I better get over there."

Taehyung walked up towards Jimin, his best friend jumping up out of his seat to greet Tae with a tight hug.

"I'm glad you came, Taehyung!," Jimin said happily. "You look really nice!"

"So do you," Taehyung said shyly. "So? Should we order?"

"Already did," Jimin smiled. "You like the Espressos, right?"

Taehyung nodded, "Yeah, though you didn't have to order."

"I still wanted to," Jimin giggled.

Once their orders got to them, the two spent what felt like forever there, just drinking their coffees and having a good time talking. As they were talking, Taehyung noticed that at some points Jimin would stare at him then blush when he was caught.

"Oh, that's right," Taehyung finally said. "Last night while I was walking home, I felt like someone was watching me."

Jimin almost choked, "Wait, really?!"

Taehyung nodded suspiciously, "Yeah, then I feel like someone's watching me right now...."

"Did you feel like you were being watched once you left my house?," Jimin asked.

Taehyung shook his head, "No, I felt like I was being watched when I walked past the alley near the apartment building I live at."

Jimin stared in shock, " shouldn't walk past that alley that late at night...or ever for that matter!"

"How come, Jimin?," Taehyung asked curiously.

Jimin gulped, "That alley is known to be a hangout for a murder squad....."

"A murder squad?!," Taehyung asked with shock.

Jimin nodded, "A murder squad called The Psychos...I've heard many stories about them, they really are psychotic. If they catch're nothing but dead meat! Especially if you are caught by the leader of The Psychos..."

"The leader?!," Taehyung asked. "What's wrong with their leader?!"

"His name is Jeon Jungkook," Jimin started. "He wears a mask that looks like a bunny, and always has a knife in hand. He's the most psychotic of the group."

"Jeon Jungkook....," Taehyung repeated. "That's kind of scary to think about...although. Do you know how many members there are of The Psychos?"

Jimin nodded once more, "Yes, there are four members, but they're stronger than you think. There's Jungkook, Agustina, Hope, and S. Mon."

"Wow...they sound even weirder together," Taehyung pondered.

"Yeah, so don't go by that alley...ever!," Jimin warned.

After the two finished talking, Taehyung recommended to go back to his apartment along with Jimin. They both got to the apartment, and started to watch a movie. While watching the movie, Taehyung couldn't hold back how cute Jimin looked.

"You just look too cute, Jimin!," Taehyung finally sputtered while blushing a bright red.

Jimin looked at Taehyung with complete shock, "You think I'm cute?!"

Taehyung scratched his head shyly, but was then taken by surprise when Jimin grabbed his face and pressed his lips against Tae's. Taehyung gave into the kiss, and kissed back deeply.

"Stay with me tonight?," Taehyung asked as he caressed Jimin's cheek with his thumb.

Jimin giggled and nodded, "Yeah, I will."

I'm coming for you, my sweet prince!

The Murderer Fell For Me (Killer Vkook ff)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora