Chapter 6

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As he was sitting at the table eating his breakfast, Taehyung couldn't stop thinking about the awkward questions and flashbacks Joy asked about yesterday.

"That girl literally has NO privacy whatsoever," Taehyung sighed. "Although, I'm just glad she thought it was...y'know...romantic and loving enough."

Once he finished eating, Taehyung washed his dishes, and headed out to work. Although once again, his normal, safer route was still closed due to construction. Taehyung couldn't do this today, scanning the area for a road worker. Soon enough, he saw a road worker who was pretty slim, wearing an orange construction suit, and protective goggles.

Taehyung walked over to the man calmly, "Hey mister, you busy?"

The man turned to Tae with surprise, "Well, right now I'm not busy. Did you need help with something?"

"Yes actually," Taehyung started. "I wanted to know when the construction of this route was gonna be done because I can't be going to work using a dangerous route to get there!"

The man adjusted his goggles, "Well sir, I can't make any promises about the exact date, but I do believe the construction of this route should be done by the end of this month!"

Taehyung's jaw dropped, "W-What?! I could get killed by the end of this month if I keep going the other way!"

The worker shrugged, "Sorry, sir. I can't speed up the work with the snap of my fingers. You're going to have to find some other route, then."

With that, the man went back to work, leaving Taehyung with a stunned expression.

"Oh, c'mon!," Taehyung complained as he started to walk the other direction. "I have no choice but to take this route then! Looks like someone by the name of Kim Taehyung is dying this month by the hands of The Psychos!"

As he reached the alley, Taehyung saw something unexpected. On the ground was a piece of paper on the spot where Jimin's body was. Taehyung approached the paper, crouching down to pick it up. Once Taehyung had it in his hands, he realized this wasn't just any piece of was a note for him...from Jimin.

Taehyung was stunned, opening the paper up, and reading what it said:

Dear Taehyung,

I guess at this point you could call us a couple, y'know, since what we did kind of says it all. I've always secretly had a crush on you, being too shy to tell you straight forward, but after I was the one that kissed you...I couldn't really control my feelings anymore. I want you to be mine, and only mine! I didn't want you to find someone else, I want you to belong to me! That's why I'm writing you this letter, to tell you to be mine because I'm too much of a coward to tell you myself. So...will you be mine?

Love, Jimin

After Taehyung read the letter, he couldn't hold back his tears, and started to cry. Taehyung now knew Jimin was on his way to give him this letter, but never made it because he was then murdered. There was even a drop of blood on the bottom of the paper, Taehyung had never felt so broken.

"Jimin, JIMIN COME BACK!!," Taehyung cried as he fell to his knees. " fucking idiot!!!! You had to leave me, w-we were a-almost a c-couple!"

As the boy sobbed his eyes out, he heard footsteps coming his way. He wiped away his tears, and lifted his head up to see where the noise was coming from. Instantly, he saw a girl with short, black hair, a ripped-school outfit, and fancy black flats pointing a gun at Taehyung's head as well as a boy with ruffled black hair, a black tank top, black basketball shorts, and black Jordans standing in front of Taehyung with a baseball bat in his hand.

"W-Who are you g-guys?!," Taehyung asked with fright.

The girl lowered her gun away from Tae's head, "Hm, you think this is the guy he was talking about?"

The boy lifted his bat, "This is definitely him! Listen here, Taehyung. You come with us, and we'll save you the amount of blood loss."

Taehyung started backing up, "What the hell?! No, I'm never coming with you guys, wherever you want to take me!"

"Not gonna cooperate you little shit?," the boy asked angrily.

"I'm not gonna shoot him, he's wanted alive," the girl said sassy-like.

"Guess I'm taking over," the boy said as he ran over to Taehyung, and swung his bat at Taehyung's head.

"GAH!!," Taehyung yelled as he then blacked out by the swing.

"Hurry up, and grab him," the girl said. "The leader ain't a patient man!"

The boy ran over to Taehyung's body, and lifted him over his shoulder with his bat in his other hand, "Alright then, Agustina! We better get going!"

"You better hurry up, Hope!," Agustina yelled. "Jungkook wasn't gonna give us much time!"

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