Chapter 3

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The sunlight shined through the window of the bedroom, hitting Taehyung's eyes directly. Taehyung let out a low groan as he turned, seeing Jimin sleeping peacefully next to him. His eyes widened at the sight of his "best friend" sleeping next to him, shirtless and all.

"Oh god....," Taehyung whispered as he rubbed his eyes. "I totally forgot we...aish just forget it, Tae."

Before getting up, Taehyung placed a kiss on Jimin's forehead with the boy still sleeping soundly. Taehyung got dressed quickly, and went to make breakfast, soon feeling a pair of arms wrapping around his waist.

"Good morning, Tae!," Jimin said happily as he placed a kiss on Taehyung's cheek.

"Mornin' Jimin," Taehyung said happily as he placed their breakfast on the table. "Let's eat, okay?"

After eating, Jimin had to leave to finish some work he had at home.

"Just make sure you don't go by that alley," Taehyung said. "I care about you!"

Jimin laughed as he softly kissed Taehyung on the lips, "I won't, Tae. I promise you I won't."

With that, he left with a huge grin on his face as well as Taehyung feeling so relieved and happy. He then looked at the clock to see what time it was.

"Nine thirty," Taehyung read. "Well, I better get going if I don't wanna be late for work."

Taehyung walked out a few minutes later, making his way around his usual route to get to work. Unfortunately, his usual route was closed due to construction.

"Damn it," Taehyung said under his breath. "Looks like I only have one route left, and it's risky."

Taehyung started walking the other way around the apartment building, cautiously walking up towards the alley. He grabbed his jacket, and put the hood over his head to cover his face. Almost getting away from the alley, he then heard someone call his name.

"Taehyung...," the voice said. "Come here, my prince...I need you!"

Taehyung turned around, but saw nobody, "W-Who's there?!?!"

"It's your one and only love," the voice responded. "I've liked you for a long time, and I really need you right now! So come on over here, and remember: you'll never love anyone else but me!"

Taehyung's eyes widened, leaving and running off as fast as he could towards the market. He was so scared he didn't stop running until he got to the market. Once he ran in, Joy saw how startled he was.

"Taehyung?!," Joy asked. "What the hell happened to you?! You look really frightened!"

Taehyung was busy catching his breath, "I-It''s n-nothing, Joy!"

"Um...okay....?," Joy said suspiciously as she then went back to work.

Though that wasn't Taehyung's mindset, "Who was it?! Was it someone from that Psycho murder gang?!? Was it Jeon Jungkook? Was it one of the other three?!," he thought. "But it sounded like a guy, so it had to be either S. Mon, Hope, or Jungkook. He said he wanted me...that I was his only love and that he was mine."

All of this ran through Taehyung's mind the whole day, finally letting some of it go once he was done working. He walked out of the market, taking the same route from before back home. Though this time, he wanted to run past that alley just to avoid anymore talking. But that wasn't possible....because something stopped him dead in his tracks....what was it?

....Jimin's dead body.....

His body was lying right next to the alley, blood covered his hands, clothes, and part of his face. Taehyung stared down in horror, falling to his knees, and screaming in pain as he cried harshly for help. Uncontrollable tears ran down his cheeks as he hugged Jimin's dead body. There was no denying had to be The Psychos. Finally after fifteen minutes of crying, and ambulance came to take Jimin away....Taehyung soon finding out it was true....he was gone. Taehyung walked out of the hospital, angry, sad, depressed feelings filled his mind as he cried while walking home. He had to walk past the alley again, but at this point he didn't care. But once again, he stopped just before he walked away from the alley...

"See? Now you will only belong to me!," the same voice from before said with an evil laugh. "He wasn't even good for you, so I'll be the only one to love you!"

Taehyung was too mad to care, and ran off to his apartment. He slammed the apartment door behind him, running off to his bedroom, and throwing himself onto the bed. He began crying again, clutching his head in the pain he felt. He laid down, noticing that Jimin's scent was still on the bed. He cried even more in pain, yelling out his miseries.

"Jimin...don't go!," Taehyung cried. "I need you...I love you! Jimin, please! You at least knew I loved you! But why did you have to fucking leave!"

As Taehyung felt too much pain, he didn't sleep for the rest of the night...

The Murderer Fell For Me (Killer Vkook ff)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora