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I'm sure all of you authors who read my work know this, but for those of you who don't, or those who aren't authors, writing a book all by yourself is a nearly impossible process. As of most other authors, I had other people's help along the way. I believe I should recognize them for their help, so here goes.

To start this off, I'm going to have to acknowledge OriginalCindy8. Without her I wouldn't have written this book here, for she is the one who introduced me to Wattpad, and I am as greatful as I can be for that . Thank you soooooooo much for kickstarting my writing hobby. I can't thank you enough.

Next up is my one girl idea generator, a member of my fan squad, and likely the best sister in the world. I'm looking at you JoyFay124. You were my constant companion in the quest for ideas,  always at my side in the battle with writer's block. I don't remember how many different iterations of the plot you helped me come up with, but it was surely a lot, and I thank you for that.

Speaking of ideas, there is another person whom I'd like to thank for helping me a lot in that department, and I would tag him, but he's doesn't have a Wattpad. My little brother. He single handedly came up with the Reptadrakes, as well as several other ideas that will be coming up later in the trilogy.

Now to thank my one girl cheer squad, another major helper in the ideas department, and soon to be beta reader MoonreRavenhowl. Along with Joy, she was one of the most helpful people throughout this whole process, providing everything from motivation, to emotional support, to ideas galore. There's no way I can thank you enough, so I'm just going to leave it at that. *whispers* Likely because I'm feeling too lazy to try.

Next up are Prima_Voltera, kaichristopher, DarkRain1002, hyphyharley, and everyone else on the Discord role play server you guys are fantastic. You helped out with everything from character development to random advice, and I want to thank you all so much. *Hugs all of you.*

Now I'm almost done, but before I go, I have one last person to thank xXVault_GirlXx. I can't can't think if any specific way you helped me with my writing, but I just loved talking with you about it just the same. *Hugs Libs.*

And last but most definitely not least, one last special thank you for everyone who is reading this book. I likely don't know everyone's wattpad usernames. Some of you might not even have one, but I thank you just the same. You all mean so much to me, and I probably wouldn't have gotten the book written without the readers there to motivate me. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart, and hope that you all have a great time reading, and writing here on Wattpad.

With love, Aerial.

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