Chapter 12: The Comedian

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Yoongi had spent the entire month following Alex's blog closely but had not spoken to them again since he had recklessly sent the first message. Being on tour and traveling around South America, as well as a few places in Asia, had sucked the energy out of him. He had spent more time catching up on sleep than worrying about the pink blog. Not to mention, there was the fact that he had promised himself he wouldn't message them again. Even now that he was in Korea and things had settled just a little bit.

The thought honestly threw his emotions off every time it crossed his mind; it wasn't that he was sad, but rather it was like a wave of discontent washed through his body whenever he told himself not to be stupid. At the end of the day, no matter how weird he felt about sitting back and just watching from the side, he knew that if he spoke to them again he would be crossing a line. Yoongi would remind himself the line had been drawn for a reason and then he would usually avoid Alex's blog for the rest of the day, that is, until he grew curious again.

Now that the Red Bullet tour was over and September was just around the corner, he had a little more free time, if he could really call it that. It was more like he had simply shifted focus. Now instead of spending a good majority of his time in a shuttle or plane, he spent it in the studio. He remained busy, but it wasn't in the same way as before. However, it did give him little bits of time in between schedules, studio sessions, meals, and sleep to check Alex's blog.

He wasn't sure why he kept coming back. Their tags were always either them frankly fangirling/boying over him in a very laid back and chill kind of way or just general thoughts and observations about whatever they were reblogging. However, once he translated what they had to say it wasn't ever boring to read their thoughts. It felt a little like their tags were like a direct window into their mind, as if they had typed down whatever came to the surface while looking at the post they attached them to. He liked that kind of undisguised honesty.

Yoongi found himself drawn to their personality and their lame sense of humour. In general, he found himself smiling at their words, even if they weren't trying to be funny, and felt contented while reading their thoughts. There was a certain kind of peacefulness to their blog and maybe that was why he wanted to talk with them so much because he felt relaxed while there. It was a welcomed break from how stressed and tense he normally felt, even if sometimes he only got to gaze at it for a few minutes during the day.

Yoongi had just come back to the dorm from the studio and unlike most days, no one was there already. Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok were at an extra dance practice, Jin was working out and he wasn't sure where the other two were. When he looked around the open concept first floor, after taking off his shoes, he registered how quiet it was inside without everyone else making noise. He felt oddly out of place, like he shouldn't have been there yet, and had the overwhelming urge to put his shoes back on and come back later.

He let out a sigh and closed the door, walking further into the apartment and glancing around lazily. The living area was tidier than normal, blankets folded up on the couches and pillows placed at the arms. The magazines that usually littered the coffee table were absent and the remotes for the TV and sound system were set there instead.

Yoongi turned his attention to the kitchen and walked to the fridge, reading the little notes left there and the times everyone was supposed to be coming back. From what he could tell, it looked like he would be the only one there until later in the evening, except for Tae. His whereabouts were unaccounted for and he had also apparently forgotten to write down when he was coming back.

Licking at his lips to try and stop the chapping, he glanced around the counter for something to eat. His eyes landed on a tupperware container stacked with red-bean buns that he had a suspicious feeling belonged to Jin. Yoongi swiped a couple from inside, biting down onto one with his mouth before he grabbed a bottle of water and then made his way to his room.

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