Chapter 31: Panic! At the Concert

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Alex had always wanted to go to a concert but, now that she was actually at the venue of one, she wasn't so sure why. She hated crowds with a deep and almost irrational fear. There were too many people and she felt like she did in her anxiety dreams, lost and drowning. Looking at the sheer amount of people lined up outside the venue almost scared her enough to send her home, but then she remembered August. She had to meet him, even if it meant being swallowed by an ocean of people to the point of panicking.

She just couldn't suffer waiting to finally see him face-to-face anymore. She felt like she had been waiting her entire life to meet him and, on some level, she really believed that was true. She just didn't know it was August she had been waiting for until recently. Now that she knew, she wasn't going to let a little thing like a crowd stop her. So she took a deep breath and got into the line, taking care to breathe in and out slowly.

At some point, while she was waiting, a man had come out to tell them that they would be allowed into the building at seven. Upon checking the time, and maybe peeking to see if August sent her any messages, it was two hours away. She tried to think if she had ever waited in a line this long in her life. She had been to amusement parks countless times but she was most definitely sure that she hadn't waited for two-hours in a line to get on a ride. To be honest, she wasn't sure she'd ever do this again.

For two hours she needed to occupy herself. Alex knew that if she didn't keep herself busy she'd start looking around to see if maybe she could try to pick a stranger out in the crowd who might be August. A part of her mind told her that she should be able to recognise him as soon as she laid her eyes on him, but in reality she knew that was stupid. Life wasn't a fairy tale and she wasn't going to know which person around her was the one she loved just by connecting eyes.

Shaking her head, she brought her phone out and tried to think of something to do. At this time, Jess would be sleeping but she still decided to snap her a picture of the building with the caption "nervous." After that she decided to take a picture of the sky and post it on her Tumblr, explaining she had arrived safely. Once she finished that, her eyes were drawn to the little letter icon and before she could stop herself she opened her messages and then went to her conversation with August.

[Sent at 5:26 PM]: There are a lot of people here. I'm so nervous.

Once she sent that, she registered that she felt just a little better. It took him a bit of time to answer and it kind of worried her at first, but as soon as she heard the notification she relaxed. With swift fingers, she tapped her screen to bring it back to life and then quickly put in her password. A little smile came to her face once she read.

[Received at 5:30 PM]: youll feel better when were sitting next to each other. try to just take deep breaths.

[Sent at 5:31 PM]: I am already on it.

Alex paused to look around, trying to see if she could spot a male using his phone and obviously texting. August knew what she looked like, so she felt like if he saw her he'd hang close. After a moment, she managed to tear her eyes away and finish her thought.

[Sent at 5:33 PM]: Can you see me at all? In the line?

She bit her lip while she looked around some more. She caught the sight of a lot of people texting but she had no idea if any of them were him. Five minutes ago she promised she wouldn't do this to herself and yet here she was. Alex took a deep breath and looked down at her phone when it vibrated and made a little sound.

[Received at 5:35]: i cant im sorry. i wish i could.

She couldn't pretend she didn't feel the disappointment crushing her a bit. It was like a heavy weight set inside of her stomach that was trying to drag it down. Forcibly, she shoved it away and focused on the bright side. She would see him soon. In less than two hours they'd be side by side and the very first thing she was going to do was hold him tightly.

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