Chapter 2

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Alright guys the second chapter is here!!!

Sadie POV

"SADIE!!!! Get up! We are going to be late!" Carter screamed annoyingly banging on the door.

"Urgh I'm up! I'm up! Sheesh" i groaned getting up and dragging myself to the bathroom.

I decided to wear my favourite yellow top and worn out ripped blue jeans. I put my hair to a high pony making sure my red stripe is seen.
"Sadie!" Carter shouted making me roll my eyes.

I put on my compact boots and my school bag before heading to the kitchen.

"Morning!" I said as i sat on the table.

"Took you long enough" carter said making me roll my eyes again.

"Morning Sadie" mom said placing a plate of pancakes in front of me.
"Morning mom. Where's dad?"

"Work" she said before walking out of the kitchen.

"They are going on research somewhere again" carter said sighing.

"How long?" I asked

"1 week i think." He replied and that was the end of our conversation.

It's nothing new. Our parents are always on research tour. Not saying they don't love us or anything but it would be amazing if they spend atleast some time with us. Hell! we don't even talk to each other properly.

Dad's brother, Uncle Amos, stays with us while they go away. Would you believe if i say he knows us more than mom and dad? Well its true.

After breakfast we walked our way to the school. Along the way we met our friends zia, jaz and Walt.
We reached school and rushed to our lockers because the bell rang.
I made my way to Math class but ofcourse i had to bump into the great Drew Tanaka.

She was wearing a short blue jean skirt and a pink Barbie top. Her brown hair was curled perfectly and her face was packed with makeup.

And lets not even try to mention her perfume. I'm sure her scent can be smelt in atleast 5 km distance.

"Well well if it isn't my favourite girl" she said smirking. Her group of bimbo minions stood behind her, all with more or same amount of artificially.

"What is it Drew?" I asked clearly annoyed.

"Aww. Is this how you treat your bestie." She asked with a fake pout.
Her minions chuckled and whispered making me roll my eyes.

"Honey you are not even in my good list let alone a bestie. I rather be friends with a pole than you" I said putting in a lot of sass. With that i walked to away.

I just want to go to class and listen to my ipod, not these harpes screeching!

Math class was now packed with people but i spotted Walt just as easy.

Aww he saved me a seat. I mentally danced as i sat on my seat next to walt.

"Good morning class!" Miss Stecy said walking in. She looked at all of us before she caught a sight of me.

"All of you please put your phones in your bag." I rolled my eyes before dumping my phone in my bag.

"Sadie that includes you" she said giving me a glare.

"I have put my phone in my bag like you asked. This is an ipod." I said giving her my best innocent act.

"I don't care what that is. Either you put that in your bag or you and your precious ipod can go have a visit to the principal's office." She said as i groaned and put my ipod in my bag.

"Okay now. Lets sta.." she started but was interrupted with a knock on the door. She disappeared and i took the opportunity to take my ipod and stick it in my ear. I lay down on my desk and slowly i drifted to sleep.


"What the hell!" I sprinted up fast as my heart started beating very fast.

"What the hell indeed Sadie! I have told you to keep that thing away while im here and you disobey me just like that!" She shouted.

"You told me not to use it while your here. You were not here when i took it out." I countered back.

"Thats it!  Detention for a week. Also you are to be Mr Anubis's guide and helper." She said giving me a hard glare.

"Who is that?"

"While you were comfortably sleeping, i was introducing your new classmate, who as i told earlier your guiding." She said walking to her desk.

"Now children open your text." She said writing something on the board.
I turn to Walt very pissed off.

"Walt! Why did you wake me?!" I whisper shouted.

"I tried to wake you, Sadie. But boy were you sleeping like a sloth." He said as i smaked his hand while rolling my eyes.

(Time skip. Bell rang)

The sound of heaven bell rang and i closed the book with a big sound and streched. Miss stacy stared at me before walking out and as usual i ignored it.

I was packing my bag but i stoped midway by a voice.

"Hai" a manly yet very calm voice spoke.

As if in a very dramatic movie i first stare at his nike shoes slowly moving up his black ripped jeans, his black shirt hung loosly on his body. He seems to be skinny yet has muscle. My eyes moved up his pale neck half covered by black hair and then to his face.

I chuckled inward thinking of how dramatic i was in describing this boy over here but i cannot deny how hot he was.

He has a very pale complexion, deep black eyes, sharp jaw line.... man he is HOT!

"Hey! How can i help ya" i asked and he smirked.

"Your my guide as per our teacher" he said.

"Oh... your the new student" i said remembering the 'punishment' i got.

"Yes i am. My name's Anubis." He said.

"I'm Sadie. Sadie Kane" i said reaching out my hand.

He murmured something before he replied,"pleasure to meet you." Then he mumbled again.

"You seems to mumble a lot Anubis." I said and he gave me a laugh.

"I guess i do, Sadie" he said and i got to sat his laugh was really attractive.

"Hey Sadie you coming?" Walt said snapping me to reality.

"Yea yea. Come on Anubis." I said taking my bag before walking out of the class.

4 votes for next chapter guyz!!!

Alright guys the second chapter! I hope y'all will like this. Don't forget to check my other fan-fic!
Love you all❤

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