Chapter 14

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I'm so sorry for the very late update guyz! Being hell of busy. But here is the next chapter!!

(Anubis POV)

Today is a Sunday and we all decided to hit the McDonald. Well all except Carter and Zia. The love birds bailed on us.

Anyways the place was a bit crowed but we were able to find a place for us.

Right now, I sat there awkwardly taking a bite of my burger as Walt sat opposite to me giving me dead glare. I dont know what his problem is but he seems pretty angry with me.

Maybe because Sadie is sitting next to me?

Well its not my fault Jaz decided to sit next to him. There was a spare seat next to me and Sadie took it.

Well ofcourse i am secretly happy and glad Jaz sat there but seriously he is literarly creeping me out.

I mean,If looks could kill i would have being 5 feet under the ground already.

“Im ordering a chocochip shake for myself. Anyone else?” Sadie suddenly announced gaining our attention.

“I want one too” Jaz said standing up.

They both walked to the counter leaving me alone with Walt. He gave me a look before digging into his chicken nugget.

“Is anything wrong? You seems to be in a bad mood” i asked.

“bad mood you say? Well how about the fact that the girl i like rejected me because her so called childhood friend came and said he likes her.” He said his voice laced with anger.

“She what?” i asked still not believing all this. She rejected him? For me?

“Why did you hide it from all of us? I mean we even talked about it. The girl you meant the other day. Its her isnt it?” he asked as i silently nodded.

“You know. You could have atleast told me when i said i like her” he said sighing.

“I just didnt know how to say to you all. I kinda left her on bad terms” i said looking at the half eaten burger in my hand.

“Yea i know that.” He said as i gave out a short laugh.

“Ofcourse you do” i said.

“You know. She was a disaster when i met her. She never hated you. She was crying over how she made you leave. She said she was very rude to you and because of that you wont come back” he said making my eyes widen.

“she thought i will not come back for her?” i asked as he nodded. “I love her. I would have tried my best and fought to stay here with her. But i was a cowered. I followed my parents like a stupid kid i am. And what did i get? A broken family and a heartbreak friendship” i said sadly.

“Its not your fault. Look all im saying is that you dont have to blame yourself for something not under you control.” He said as i gave a small smile.

“Thanks” i said as he gave back a smile. But the smile vanished immediatly.

“This doesnt mean i let go of Sadie. I will have her.” He said with a smirk.

“We will see about that” i said giving him a smirk back.

“See about what?” Jaz asked as the two sat down in their places.

“Nothing” we both said before silently digging into our food.

(8 years ago)
(Walt POV)

I walked through the park lane humming a song while licking my lollipop.

I stopped when I saw a girl crying and sniffing while sitting on the swing. I quickly walked to her before tapping on her shoulder.

“Are you alright?” I asked as he looked up with his blue teary eyes.

“no!” she shouted before busting into a fit of sobs.

“What happened. You can tell me” I said as she stood up.

“I wasn’t crying” she said stubbornly wiping her tears and sitting on the bench.

“yea right. I can see that” I said as I sat next to her.

“What do you want? Why don’t you leave me alone.” She asked irritated.

“I cant!” I said making her look at me confusedly.

“Cause I am a gentlemen! Mom said that in order to be one I have to respect women and help women in need. And you seems to be in need so I cant leave you alone” I said proudly.

The girl laughed making me smile back at her. She suddenly changed her smile to a neutral expression.

“Well.... that’s nice.” She replied.

“My name is Walt Stone.” I said reaching out my hand.

“Sadie Kane!” she said accepting my handshake.

“why were you crying Sadie?” I asked as she frowned.

“I think I lost a friend.” She said sadly as I nodded for her to continue.

“My bestie moved out of town. He said he will come back for me but I shouted at him for leaving. And..... and before I c-could say s-sorry he went. He must be angry with me. Now he will never come back!” she said before bursting into tears.

“Don’t worry Sadie. I will be your bestie from now on!” I said cheerfully.

“I don’t believe you. All boys are same!” she said glaring at me.

“No! Not all are same. Mom said all people are different and unique. Besides I will never leave my bestie like he did!” I said confidently.
“Come on give me a chance” I begged as she looked at me.

“ok.. I give you one chance. Only one. If you also leave. I wont believe in anyone.” She said as I gave a victory punch in the air.

“yes” I shouted before searching my bag. “here I have a lollipop.” I said giving her my spare lollipop.

“Thank you!” she said her eyes sparkling.

“Come on lets go and play” I said as she nodded and walked next to me.

“But I still don’t trust you” she pointed out making me laugh.

Alright that's all guyz.

I planned on giving Walt a villain role but i just couldn't find the mind.

As much as i ship Sanubis, Walt is a nice guy.

Also i hope yall liked the flashback story between Sadie and Walt!!

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