Chapter 13

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(Sadie POV)

I walked to my locker nervously glancing anywhere but his face. Walt was standing there, leaning against my locker with a smile.

"Hey beautiful" Walt said as he gave me a quick peck in my cheek.

"Hey Walt" I murmured and turned to open my locker. I quickly took my books before we walked quietly to our first class.

Before we reached the class i quickly grabbed hold of his hand. He looked at me confused and I try not to look at his face.

"Umm... Walt I want to talk something to you. Can you wait near our usual tree at break?" I asked as he smiled.

"of course" he said and with that we walked into our class.

Anubis and Jaz was sitting in their usual seats talking. "hey!! Come on guys" Jaz shouted waving her hands.

I sat down next to Anubis while Walt sat in front of me next to Jaz. Anubis passed a paper file to me as I looked at him confused.

"Its our assignment. Read it fast before Sir comes. You don't have to say a lot. Ill manage. But you cant particularly remain silent too. So you have to say a few things. I've written it in the simplest form. If you don't understand ask me" he said with a small smile.

"Anubis.... did you pull out an entire night?!" I asked shocked. Now that I mentioned it, I could see black circles around his eyes.

"Nothing I cant handle, Lady Kane" he said with a wink making me smile.

(Break time)

"Sadie?" Anubis called from behind.

"what is it , Anubis" i asked as he nervously scratched his neck.

"Can we go out to eat" he asked.

"Im sorry Anubis. I-I promise ill meet up with Walt" I said.

"oh... o-Ok... I understand" he frowned before waving and walking away.

I took a deep breathe before walking to mine and Walt's usual tree spot. I looked around the tree before sighing and sitting down.

"He's late" I said before I heard rustling sound. I looked up to see Walt sitting on one of the tree trunk giggling.

"I reached here waaaay before" he said like he is some 9 year old. I laughed as he climbed down and sat in front of me.

"So what did you want to say?" he asked and I suddenly felt like the air around suffocating me.
"I need to say something to you too. But ladies first" he said smiling.

" Walt.... ummm..... how about you say it first" I said to him. I couldn't find my voice to say it to him.

But as soon as he said I regretting asking him to say it first.

"Will you be my Girlfriend?" he asked staring into my eyes.

"I... um...." I stumbled not knowing what to say. I took a deep breathe, determined to say it out to him.
"Walt... I cant" I said as his face turned to shock and sadness.

"What? Why? Don't you like me?" he asked, hurt filled in his voice.

"yea... I do." I said as he grabbed hold of my hand.

"Then why?" he asked with his pleading eyes.

"Walt... do you remember the childhood friend I always talk about" I asked as he nodded slowly. "Well..... he is back and... and..." I said as I looked down tears forming my eyes.

"what is it Sadie? Did he do anything to you" he asked concerned.

"Its him.... Its Anubis. He is my childhood friend. He still likes me... and I feel the same but I also feel something for you. Its all so confusing. I don't know what to do" I said.

"So what are you proposing?" he asked his voice becoming void.

"I n-need time" I said looking at him. He nodded before standing up, his back facing me. "Walt?" I said.

"Take the time you need Sade. I understand" he said before he walked away from me.

(Jaz POV)

"Hey Walt!" I shouted as I ran to him. "Did you ask her to be your girlfriend?" But i paused noticing his face. "Huh? What's with the sad face" I asked stopping him from walking. "Walt..."

"She refused" he grunted as he squeezed his eyes tight. "she said she is confused" he said.

"Confused of what?" I asked but stopped as I looked at the crowd in the hallway.
"Wait.... come on" I said as I dragged him to an empty classroom. I sat him on one chair as I took the opposite.

"now... what happened?" I asked.

"Well for starters. Anubis is not who we think he is." He said as I looked at him with confusion. "Anubis is Sadie's long lost childhood friend" he said as my eyes widen.

"you mean the one who Sadie always used to talk about when we were young?" I asked shocked.

"Yea. That's him. And now she is having second thoughts. She says she is confused about her feeling towards me and him. She wants some time and take it slow" he said as he dropped his head to his hands.

"oh.. Walt.. please don't be sad. Its not like she straight off rejected you. Just give her time. Im sure she will realize the love to you is much more stronger. You should try to impress her and make her believe that you are the one. The Walt I know will not give up because of such a silly thing" I said with confidence.

He gave a huge smile before nodding "your right! What am I thinking. I shouldn't give up because of such a thing. I should fight. If its a fight he wants... its a fight he gets" he said standing up. "thank you Jaz. I don't know what ill do without you. You are the best friend anyone can have" he said as he hugged me.
"alright alright. I know im great!" I laughed. He let go of me giving a dazzling smile before running out of the classroom.

"bye!!" he shouted before closing the classroom door.

I sighed as I was met with the silence of the classroom. I looked at my hand as I took in a huge breath.

"If only you know about how I feel about you"

Aww.... Jaz feels something to Walt. What do you think about it? Should Jalt be shipped?

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