Chapter 8

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Dedicated to all my lovely readers for the support and love❤❤❤

Anubis POV

"Oh come on!" I said as Osiris shakes his head.

"Anubis dear, I'm with Osiris on this. How long are you planning to hide from her. She is bound to find out sooner or later." Iris said giving me a cup of coffee.

"I'll stick to the later part" i said looking at Osiris. He gave out a loud sigh before folding the newspaper.

"Alright. We will leave. But I'm still not supporting this. She will be very pissed if she finds out on her own you know" he said as i nodded.

"I know...... i'll talk to her soon." I said.

"You better." He said before turning to Iris. "Lets go on a date." He said making her blush.

I laughed hard at her face, "More than 18 years and still you are blushing like hell" i said as Osiris started laughing.

"Oh shush!" She said as she gave Osiris a smack.

"So is that a yes or no?" He asked.

"Its a yes" she said.

"Alright ill pick you up at three since she is coming around four" he said.

"You guys live in the same house" i said raising an eyebrow.

"I'm trying to be romantic here buddy" he said as she laughed and kiss his lip.

"No. Eww. I'm outta here" i said as i stood up and took a final gulp of my coffee.

"Oh i almost forgot. Horus is coming back from England next month." He said as i nodded, not quite interested in the topic.

"Later love birds" i say as i go upstairs to dress up for the movie night.

Horus is Osiris and Iris only son. He is studying in England as a part of a scholarship. Yea i know. He is a genius. He is a definition of a perfect man as per my so called real father, Set.

"He is smart, handsome and a true leader" he used to say.

I shiver at the memory of my so called father. He has never praised me once, always pointing out my flaws. My mother on the other hand did love me....

That is until they both divorced and she fell in "love" with another guy. She does call and visit me. But the time will be filled with awkwardness and her "husband"'s look of disgust.

So most times i just skip our meetings saying i have other plans.

I went to my room and took a quick shower before putting on my fovorite black shirt and pants. I styled my hair to a messy just got out of bed look before taking my bag  and rushing down.

"Guys I'm going!" I shouted as i opened my front door.

"Stay safe" i heard iris shout back before i started my walk to Walt's house.

(Short time skip)

The door opened to reveal Jaz eating a pack of Doritos.

“Guys Anubis is here!” she shouted as she opened the door wide for me to enter.

Walking into the living room I was greeted by the rest.

“Hey man! Come and join the party” Carter said. He was sitting on the couch with Zia next to him. Sadie on the other hand sat on the floor munching on another packet of Doritos.

“Hey Anubis. I hope it wasn’t hard for you to find my place.” Walt said as he walked in with popcorn and orange juice.

“it was alright” I said as I sat next to Sadie. Walt said on her other side with Jaz next to him.

“Alrighty then! Lets start the movie!” Sadie said as she took the remote and press the play.

The movie started and I quickly recognise it. “Notebook? Really” I said as the other boys groan.

“really girls! You couldn’t pick any other? Why are you watching a movie that will make you cry in the end?” Carter said as Walt immediately agreed.

“you guys had your movie chance last time. We tolerated your stupid star wars movie. Now its our chance and we say Notebook” Jaz said while the other two girls agreed.

(Time skip to end of movie)

The credit started showing indicating the end of movie. While we boys did have occasional emotional moments the girls were at its worst.

They literally cried. Zia is still hugging Carter and crying but I see no complain from him. In fact he seems to enjoy the intimacy.

Walt on the other Hand had his arm wrapped around Sadie shoulder when she started to cry and to be honest it took my every bit of energy to lash out on him.

Why cant he just wrap those freaking arms around Jaz who was crying all alone! Urgh! And the fact that they like each other is not helping my situation.

I was the one who always calmed her down, always being with her in hard and sad times. Now I feel like being replaced.

But how can I blame them? Its because of me this happened. Its because I had to move away! If I had just stayed in my ground and say no. If I had just fought a little more instead of silently obeying.

“-nubis Anubis!” I heard her beautiful voice bringing me back to reality. “come on! We are ordering pizza!” she said reaching out her arm.

I smiled before grabbing it. She pulled me up and we walked into the kitchen to join the rest.

“So what about the projects guys.” Jaz said as we sat around the dinning table waiting for the delivery guy.

“im going to Anubis house tomorrow to work on it” Sadie said as I nodded.

“oh im going to jaz’s” Walt said scratching his neck. “what are you doing in the morning” he continued.

“well..... im planning to regain all the sleep I lost because of the fact that I have to wake up early for school.” Sadie said.

“oh ok.” He said before looking at Jaz.

I saw Jaz gave him a look making him shrug. I knew something was planned between them. Maybe a date?

Oh no..... that will be worst. I have to make a move on her quick. But how? Im bad at these things.

Maybe something tomorrow? I have to make a plan for tomorrow.

Perhaps a date? Yea that is it. Ill ask her on a date.

I looked up at her as she chatted with the rest. Our eyes met for a brief and she gave out a heart warming smile. I think my heart stopped for that brief moment.
Her smile is still the same. God! I feel like falling all over again!

That’s it for today guys’!! I hope you all like it. Also I apologize for the late upload. I was held up in college life.
Another thing I would like to tell is that im So happy for getting a lot of support and comment for this story. Your likes and your wonderful comments keep me going!!!!

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