Chapter 15

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"SADIEEEE!!!" i heard my brother yell and i knew that was the time i need to run.

I bolted from the dinning room to the front door but paused when i heard him speak.

"Don't you dare!" He shouted as i turned to him.

"Wow! Blue suits your hair" i commented trying to get out of his wrath.

"Why did you put a freaking dye on my shampoo bottle!" He asked holding out his favourite shampoo bottle filled with the dye i brought from Wal-Mart.

"Relax brother. They are temporary. They will be gone in a few days." I said waving him off.

"I can't go to school with blue hair!" He shouted as i let out a sigh.

"Well you should have thought of it before you told me off to mom." I pointed out giving him a glare.

Its his fault I'm grounded by mom to come straight home. No sleepover or going to friends house.

"Well you were trying to sneak out to the Jorden twins party." He said.

"Its just a freaking party" i said pissed out.

"Its a drug party. The outcome of their party is always bad. I don't want to be blamed for what you did" he said as i growled.

"Fine! Enjoy your day. Smurf" i smirked and walked out, pleased with my revenge.

"Yo Sade" i heard A familer voice. I turned around and came face to face with Walt.

"Hey Walt" i smiled.

"Where's Carter" he asked as we started walking.

"He will come. I just headed out first" i shurgged as he chuckled.

"Ok. What did you do this time?" He asked as i looked at him wierdly.

"Why would you say that" i pouted.

"Well you are Sadie Kane. I know you since young to know that you did something" he said as i chuckled.

"Ok ok. I dyed his hair blue" i said as he burst out laughing.

"Hey! Whats with the laughing" Jaz asked as She and Anubis walked to us.

"Oh... you'll see" i said as i nudged Walt.

"My lips are sealed until they see" he said.

I turned and faced Anubis who looked between us with a frown.

"Is anything wrong?" I said making him shrug.

"Nothing" he murmured as i raised my eyebrow at him.

Sweetheart i ain't that dumb to not know you are feeling jealous.

(Time skips)

Bell rang and i started packing fast. Its lunch and my stomach is roaring. I didn't eat breakfast today morning and my appetite indicate that i could eat a whole buffalo.

"Sadie a word" my teacher called as i groaned.

I'm hungry. You better finish fast or who knows i might eat her.

I swing the bag on my shoulder and walked to her.

"Sadie. You have being permitted to take part in school play" she said making me stop dead in my tracks.

"Really?!" I asked surprised making her nod.

"Yes. The practice starts from today evening" she said as she walked out of class

"YES!" I shouted jumping in happiness before running yo the cafeteria.

"Hey! I got into the drama!" I said as i flopped myself next to Anubis. Walt and Jaz sat opposite to us.

"Really! That's great!" Jaz commented as the rest nodded.

"I'm in the play too" Anubis said grinning.

"Really?! That's amazing. It will be like old times right! You, me. Drama" i said excited. We used to participate in lots of drama.

"Maybe like all the other times, we will be paired up" he said as i smiled at him.

That would be amazing.

"I'm joining this year too" Walt said making me look at him in shock.

"Huh? Really? I thought you don't do acting" i said confuse. Every year i would beg him to join but he would refuse.

This is new.

"I thought to give it a try" he said as he glared at Anubis who in turn glared back.

I sighed to myself thinking of what i got myself into.

"Hey guys" Zia's voice rose and i turned to find her holding hands with Smurf boy.

"Dude what happened to your hair" Anubis said before bursting into laughter. The rest joined too making him growl.

"Not funny" he murmured as they sat on their seat.

"Man.. When Sadie said she did this i never thought it will suit you" Walt said as we all again burst into laughing.

"Loving the colour, brother!" A shout came from the behind, making us look there.

David, one of our classmate who has a weird obsession with bright colours was spotted. He wore a flamingo dress i have no idea where he got. I mean no one in the sane or insane mind would make that dress. But then again the world is filled with weirdos.

"Ill say. Blue suits you more than your natural" he said as he winked at Carter.

The laughter right now has spread to the entire cafeteria.

"Alright I'm gonna celebrate my achievement by filling my tummy." I said taking out my lunch box.

"The hair or drama?" Walt asked.

"Both" i said winking.

"You got in drama?" Carter asked shocked as i nodded.

"I'm too talented to be ignored for dramas" i said flipping my hair.

"Now if you excuse me.." i said opening my lunch.

"Oh, food, wonderful food, marvelous food, glorious food!" I sang as the rest laugh.

"Did you just quote ice age" Zia asked as i nodded flopping a chicken piece in my mouth.

"It fits the situation" i said as we all laughed.

I love these people.

Alright. I apologise big time for the damn long wait. I hope you liked the chapter!!

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