Growth Without Change

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Growth Without Change

"I'd estimate that they'll be on us in less than an hour." Master Damien told Felicie solemnly, his hands clasped behind his back in a rigid military posture. The look on his face was not that of a dance instructor facing his doom.

Felicie turned to look at him, crossing her arms suspiciously. "You... don't really teach Manon how to dance, do you?"

Damien grinned. "I most certainly do teach her dance. Among other things."

"Does Nina know?"

"She is the one who hired me."

Felicie hummed thoughtfully. "You do realize that I can't guarantee your safety, right?"

"I've lived a long life, my lady. I'm not afraid of death. If you wish to make one last stand, then I would suggest that we begin preparing... what remains of your troops."

She looked forward, blowing out a long breath. The dead had been pulled away from the ship and laid out in neat rows away from the fire. Those too injured to move were on the clearest part of the field, sitting or laying as they were able. Andrea was among them, still unconscious. The few that could still move were gathering around Felicie, looking at her with gloomy faces, filled with the despair of the knowledge that the incoming ship was bringing their death.

Addie, sitting down on a piece of the ship that had fallen off that allowed her to stretch her legs down, turned from them, looking back to Felicie. Her face had changed again. She no longer looked like Cy's relative, but instead resembled Felicie. It wasn't her true face, she wouldn't be mistaken for her twin, but they were obviously related.

Felicie took in a deep breath before stepping forward, squaring her shoulders. All eyes turned to her and she beheld her troops with a resigned expression.

"A Gascony ship is advancing on us," she announced, confirming what they already knew. "The Cacher is useless, we're all wounded, and we're far from aid. Unless we can fly, we're not getting away from this situation. I'm sorry. It's my decisions and my failure as a leader that brought us here."

Her troops said nothing. They only stared. Waiting.

"Princess Manon has been evacuated. She will be safe. Our kingdom will live on and this loss will not jeopardize our stance in this war. I won't lie to you. We are probably going to die here today. If you wish to choose your death before the enemy can deliver it, I will honor your wishes. If you wish to take your chances at escaping on foot, no one will stop you.

"However, I am going to stay. My death will come for certain, but before I die, I am going to see as many of my enemies brought down as possible. Theirs will be one less ship, one less troop, that can advance on our country. Until my last breath, I will fight. As a paladin. As a Vasconian. And if you wish to stand beside me, then I will consider it to be the highest honor of my life to fight with you. The ship will be on us soon. Make your choice. Know that, no matter what you decide, you are still a soldier, a warrior, and you did your best by your Lord and king."

Felicie lowered her head, bowing to her troops with a heavy heart. Not for the first time, she wished she were a better paladin and leader. She was sure that, were nearly any other paladin in charge, they would be able to do something.

Standing straight, she turned to find Master Damien standing behind her just as he had always done for Manon. His bowed his head to her, silently assuring her that he would be staying. She nodded back, wishing she had another way to express her gratitude, before walking past him. She moved towards the two outliers who were standing by themselves off to the side.

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