Chapter 12

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Ayato smiled and said sadly,"You rarely say my name, but whenever you do, it make me feel wanted again, Rahab-sama." Rahab smiled sadly,"I can understand, Ayato. Rarely anyone speaks of my name now expect my brothers and sisters. Father wiped the mortal memory of my name and my fall, your family is the only one, we found that remembered my name, probably because of his blessings." Ayato sadly looked at him,"God must have had a reason, Rahab-sama." Rahab sipped water from the glass and replied,"I guess, Ayato. Father was always beyond our understanding. Why he did some things that he did even Metatron is not sure." Ayato nodded and asked a bit curiously,"Dulio-san explained to me that you fell. But he never told me how." Rahab weighted whether he should tell him but he relented, he himself wanted to talk to someone about it. Rahab leaned back and took a long sigh then said,"I told a old man who had little time left about the sea and the abyss, how it worked, why it was there, how to stay safe from it. Why father didn't want those things told, I never knew. But father struck the man down before he could tell anyone." Ayato looked at him sadly,"You feel sorry for him. You felt responsible." Rahab nodded looking outside,"As he died my wings turned black, he was apologising to me for it till his soul left for heaven." Ayato looked sadly at Rahab radiating regret and sorrow. He gathered enough courage and said,"God must have had a reason." Rahab looked at him sadly,"On that day, he didn't Ayato. On that day, around 200 of his children fell, he felt betrayed by the ones he gave life to. He didn't wait to judge us. That day marked the end of us Watchers, it became Grigori. Azazel tried to help us but I was the youngest of them, I couldn't handle it even if Azazel came to me. The next day I surrendered to Father. The rest you know." Ayato nodded sadly. When the food arrived, Ayato smiled sadly," I never told anyone about it. But father never liked me. It was always my brother, the prodigy. He was so proud of him. I felt jealous a few years but then I guess, I stopped trying. I never would have been as successful as him anyway. Mother was always there for me though. So was my uncle. Father left me with him when I was seven hoping I would become a decent swordsman or die trying." Rahab considered him sadly as he continued,"Mother snuck me food in small packs while uncle taught me how to hunt. Never enjoyed killing but the chase made up for it. When the sword first appeared after my uncle's disgurement by a bear, my father called me back. I hoped that I would be recognised, but he tried to make me give it to Brother. It didn't happen, the sword didn't go, even after dozens of my requests. The next day I was sent back to my uncle who received me wholeheartedly, I spent my life peacefully with my mother visiting secretly, giving me sweets that were a rarity. But one day everything stopped. I remember my mother saying how I was about to have a sister before I heard a scream then another. Then my brother said through the phone that I should thank him for killing them, then he disappeared." As Ayato ended with tears in her eyes Rahab wiped them with a handkerchief. Ayato mumbled under his breath,"Why does everything I loved just disappear." Rahab patted his head,"That's something I often ask myself, Ayato." Ayato looked at him for a second then nodded realised the similar pain in the person before him.

As they were eating Ayato spoke up,"Griselda-san said I'll be going on a few missions with her charge in a few days." Rahab looked at him and nodded smiling slightly,"Promise me you'll take care of yourself." Ayato nodded,"I promise. I'll try to send postcards for the sister and you." Rahab smiled slightly at him,"Good. And be sure to update Dulio. He cares for you." Ayato nodded and asked,"So how's the other member?" Rahab smiled at him,"She's much like Gabriel. A pristine soul. Gabriel and me are trying to teach her. But I'm worried." Ayato nodded and said,"I'll protect her the best I can when we meet." Rahab gave a wistful look,"It's not entirely about that Ayato. She loves a human who was reincarnated as a devil under questionable circumstances and had been plagued by lust even before it. He also has some affection towards her. I don't want any of you to fall. It'll be hard for me." Ayato held his head down sadly,"I see. Your worried that he might force her. I haven't seen him but as you aren't interfering, I guess he would have some redeeming qualities." Rahab nodded,"Even though he act like as he does; In his heart, there is a desire to protect. Even if he tells himself otherwise he wants to fit in somewhere." Ayato nodded thinking about how his heart was almost the same if what Dulio had said was true. Rahab said in a whisper,"I don't want any of you to suffer. I just want you both to be happy. She and you have suffered enough already." Ayato just nodded politely.

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