Madame's Rage

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Madame had been really pissed off because someone had broken a vase in the living room, and no one was admitting if they'd done it. I had been called down to the living room, along with everyone else. The broken shards of marble were still laying on the dark wood floor. The pieces were rather large, and you could still tell what the vase had looked like. Marble pieces lined with thin streaks of gold were woven throughout each piece.
Madame's lips were in a thin, tight-lipped, berry-colored line. Her eyes were narrow in a suspicious glare at each of us. Her thin, frail arms were placed on her hips, a gesture suggesting that she wasn't taking anyone's shit. It was odd, mostly because no one ever really spoke to Madame, she just gave us our appointments and was on her way. Seeing her this enraged was a bit comical and unusual. Though we could all tell she was pissed, it was rather amusing, or at least to me it was. Madame was a stunning lady, and even when her face didn't display a no-nonsense frown, or a friendly grin, she was still gorgeous.
"So, does anyone wanna grow a fucking pair and admit they did it?" Madame growled at us all. I saw Shay flinch at her harsh tone. No one spoke, no one even breathed. "Someone better fucking say something before I get my restraints and gags." The fact that she owned anything things of the sort didn't surprise me, but it made me want to laugh. Why was I so giggly? Because, I and Oli had went out hiking again, only this time when we did, we'd come across some fireflies. It had been a really nice evening, rather, dawn.
"Well, I didn't do it." Of course Missy would assert her innocence in this scenario. "But I know Tyler was down here and he was trying to dust." Tyler's eyes widened and he shook his head.
"No, no, no! I wasn't dusting in here, I-I wasn't dusting at all. I'd just said that the living room was dusty." Tyler explained. I was biting my lip to keep from laughing out loud. I didn't want to laugh and give Madame the false impression that I'd done it, when I had been asleep in bed with the covers pulled up to my neck.
"Someone had to have done it, the vase didn't just jump off the fucking mantle." Madame's face was turning red, matching her hair, as she talked. "And it was one of you eight."
"I think Oli did it." Jake suggested. It was quiet, completely quiet except for my own eyes which shot to Jake.
"I doubt it, Oli doesn't leave the library." Josie told him. Jake snorted.
"Whatever. He likes pain, just punish him." Jake replied with an eye roll. I knew Jake could be a dick, but I didn't think he'd go as far as to punish someone else because they 'liked pain'. Yeah, Oli's odd fascination with pain wasn't subtle, but that didn't give anyone any right to hurt him because they assumed he 'liked it'.
"Then I'll never know who actually did it." Madame snarled. "WHO THE FUCK BROKE THE MOTHERFUCKING VASE?!" She took a deep breath. "You all have till the count of three to tell me." The room went silent again. "One...

My breathing halted. Everyone's did.


Eyes were darting at each other, wordlessly begging for someone to just step forward and get it over with. Shay was shaking slightly in fear of Madame's enraged punishment.

"Three. I'm getting the gags and restraints. You all are fucking pussies, and I hate all of you." Madame turned to go, her bitter words nothing short of spat in our general direction. The moment she left the living room, everyone broke into chatter.
"Who the fuck did it?" Missy asked us all. "I'm not about to get punished because one of you is too much of a little bitch to admit you broke the goddamned vase."
"I didn't break it, I was with Shay upstairs!" Tyler said. I caught Shay starting to blush.
"They were probably fucking again." Ashley scoffed with an eye roll.
"Shut the fuck up!" Shay snapped, flicking Ashley off. I shrugged and went to go sit down on a couch. I watched as everyone started blaming each other, over a vase. What if a client had done it? Then what?
How quickly we'd all turned against each other made me question how the hell were we all a 'family'? Especially when Madame made it perfectly clear she doesn't like any of us on a personal level. We're all just dirty, filthy, whores to her, so how was that a 'family'? The clinking of metal against one another made us all look in the doorway to find Madame standing with rope and gags.
"You all disgust me, line up." The command in her voice drove each of us behind one another, awaiting her plan of pain and harm. She tied our hands together in front of us. Rope around our wrists, binding the limbs together with force. Once our hands were tied, she gagged each of us, then one at a time, she whipped all of us. Ten strikes against our backsides each.

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