Chapter 9

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Studying. Endless hours of studying was the lifestyle mages like Viola had chosen. That commitment was what it would take for her to become powerful and have her name immortalized in history. Viola accepted the requirements when she chose such a life for herself years earlier. She had other skills such as painting, and she was decent with tools. Janessa told her on several occasions she'd make a great thief since picking locks was an art form, but she loved magic. The euphoric feeling that filled her when she cast a spell was beyond her ability to describe or comprehend.

Despite all of her studying, Viola didn't know how she'd get into the history books. War mages were renowned for their skill and power. Everyone put them on a pedestal, but she didn't have the stomach for it, a fact she ignored until the battle after the pit fights. Becoming a chronicler was a highly valued position among magic users, but there was no glory or power in such a position. Being a king's fool was the worst choice imaginable, but a king's advisor and magus, now that seemed promising.

Viola smiled to herself as she studied the final spell from her spellbook. Repeating the incantation several times in her mind, she focused on the proper voce inflection as well as any hand motions or components that would be needed. She continued repeating the spell until a familiar warming sensation flowed over her. Closing her spellbook and smiling, she committed the four incantations to memory and decided on what path she'd take to reach her goal. Her name would be remembered throughout history, of that she was certain.

Not being one of religious faith, Viola muttered a silent prayer to any of the Gods that were listening, or cared, to thank them for aiding her with her magic. Satisfied, she thanked everyone and thing she needed to, and placed her spellbook in her pack, closing it as her eyes settled on the herbology book sitting off to the side. Her left hand started reaching for it on its own accord, an action she found curious but saw no reason to stop it. Just as her fingers brushed against the worn binding of the book, the door burst open revealing an excited Janessa.

Viola pulled her hand away as if she'd been caught doing something she shouldn't. "Damn it, Jenny, you scared the life out of me!" Viola slumped in her chair and took a few deep breaths. Why am I so short of breath?

Janessa paid her no mind. "You'll never guess what happened." She paused at seeing the look on her friend's face. "Are you all right? You look tired."

Viola bit back a sharp retort. Janessa was happy about something and she didn't want to upset her. "No, you just startled me, is all." Viola rested her right hand over her left, not trusting it to do what she willed. Hoping Janessa wouldn't notice, Viola forced herself to relax. She hadn't been doing anything wrong. Viola smiled at her friend and it dawned on her that Janessa wasn't just happy, she was ecstatic. "What happened to you?" Viola got up and moved around the desk towards her friend, a teasing look on her face. "What's his name?"

Janessa's mouth dropped open in mock protest. "I don't meet that many, Viola!" Her expression changed to one of innocence all children use when they know they're in trouble. "Stang." She answered after a pause, her voice low with a hint of embarrassment.

Viola crossed her arms, trying to appear serious while also trying to hide a smile. "Again? I thought you gave up on him."

"I never gave up; I just waited for my second wind." Janessa cracked a sly smile.

Viola's mouth dropped in shock and protest. "Jenny!"

Janessa's sly smile broadened as she shrugged. "Not like that. At least, not yet. Mern said he may have a sweetheart."

"If he does, what are you..." The young mage's eyes widened when her friend's response fully registered. "Mern said it? He's in town, then?" As soon as she spoke, Viola could've smacked herself for such a stupid question. Of course, he was. Otherwise, Janessa wouldn't be in front of her. "I mean, you two got back already?"

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