Chapter 13

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The night was clear and cool, leaving Gilliam without a doubt they could see for miles by the moonlight were they in a wide open field. As it was, the companions agreed it'd be best to make their way through the forest. Using Berek's talent — that was how Gilliam chose to think of it — they traveled in a line, stepping only where the fighter stepped. The going was slow and tedious, but under the circumstances, stealth was needed.

Despite the cool of the night, Gilliam couldn't stop sweating. The traveling cloak he wore to hide his weapon from Renard's spies was a heavy one and not at all practical for stealth. But, as their new comrade pointed out, it was better than the moon's light striking his white robes, as Galin had claimed, "It'd send out a signal chime to anyone in the forest as bright as the sun." Seeing the logic and the danger, Gilliam continued wearing it. Now, if only there was a way to keep the Dwarf quiet.

Metal shod boots, short legs, and a build designed for working underground were not meant to go traipsing through a forest. What'd Galin look like? An Elf? At least, he kept his cursing and muttering to himself, the rest couldn't be helped, although he was trying. Damn, Galin wouldn't have been surprised if Berek sent him off on some kind of diversion or found some other way of telling him to be quiet. After coming along on his own, Galin knew there was no one to blame but himself. Although trying to think of someone to blame did cross his mind.

His word was his bond; once a Dwarf said he'd do something, then he'd walk into the Abyss before doing otherwise. Besides, Galin thought as his fingers flexed over the handle on his hammer, he probably sounded more like a large animal the Ogres would try to avoid, or eat, depending on his luck. Always one to take a challenge head on, Galin now wondered why he agreed to act like some damn Elf ranger. With a huff, he continued on, deciding to blame the Nursk Brothers. If they acted like any other stone-brained Ogres, he'd be eating dinner by now.

As Galin trudged through the forest doing his best to keep quiet, Berek couldn't stop smiling. He was amazed they hadn't alerted every bandit, Ogre, or Goblin in the area by then. Not sure as to why, but moving through the dense brush was easy for him. A field mouse made more noise chewing on an acorn than he did. It was as though every branch and thorn so eagerly seeking a purchase on one of his comrades avoided him or slid over him like he was covered in grease.

Berek never felt stranger in his life as he did with each step, bringing them to a stop at spotting the Ogres near the bend in the road to Hope. The Nursk Brothers sat crouching behind a pair of spruce trees, keeping their eyes on the road leading towards the company. Not a bad place for an ambush, just beyond the sight of Hope's lookouts but far enough from Renard's Company to look random.

Having heard the reputation of Hope's Sheriff Tavers, Berek doubted the man would send help even if it was in front of the gate. It wasn't out of cowardice, more like the feeling of protecting one's home. Few men, if any, would risk themselves to help a stranger if it meant leaving their home vulnerable. No, they were on their own and part of him liked it that way.

Sure of their plan, Berek motioned for the others to crouch low and remain out of sight. He suppressed a smile at Galin's look of gratitude as both he and Gilliam looked as though they'd had the longest walk of their lives. A curious thought considering he hadn't broken a sweat. Berek would be sure to thank Renard for his training when they got back. For the moment, he lowered his voice so it wouldn't carry. "They're across the road at the bend."

Gilliam nodded, but Galin was confused. There was no wind in the forest and he doubted the Nursk Brothers would stand in the road after their efforts. "How do you know?"

Though the Dwarf's whisper was low, it grated on the cleric's nerves. He was surprised they hadn't been ambushed already. Berek smiled. "I see them."

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