Chapter 22

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"See? Old Man Winston wasn't too angry. He only charged you each for half a room." Janessa couldn't help smiling at her two companions as they made their way through the empty streets of Hope. Both Galin and Gilliam found it curious how a city with a company the size of Renard's next to it wasn't yet awake. Janessa did her best to explain that in the end, it came down to two choices: either the people of Hope were lazy or they were tired of spending their hard earned money. Janessa believed it a little of both. Gilliam and Galin exchanged glances at her revelation. If a town "forgot" about a treasure underneath their feet, then the choice seemed clear.

As they walked, Janessa was quick to point out certain local landmarks and their significance. While she seemed jovial, Galin could see she was worried. They each were for different reasons and they each dealt with it in their own way. Gilliam was focused on the task at hand; he acknowledged Janessa and the Halfling let it go at that. Janessa continued to talk about the city of Hope to keep hers and their spirits up. She wasn't as concerned for Berek as she was for Viola, but neither of her companions would've guessed it. Galin was more worried about what could, or would, happen if they tried to pawn off any of the discovered treasure. He was concerned about Berek, but a lot of good it'd do him if they got arrested if someone recognized the items. Though that threat was minimal, he couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension that kept creeping into his thoughts.

"...this is the guard shack, but then you already knew that. Oh, good morning, Sheriff Tavers." Janessa brought them to a stop by the city gate where anyone entering, or leaving, were questioned. Sometimes politely.

On any other day, Sheriff Tavers wouldn't have paid the Halfling more than a casual glance. He knew she was a thief — the whole city knew it — but despite his best efforts, he was never able to catch her in the act. The fact she had two intense looking men with her, one of them a Dwarf, sent up a flag. "Hold, Janessa." He stepped over, eyeing the two for a moment. "And who might you be?"

The hair on Galin's neck began rising while he watched the sheriff. Tavers wasn't much taller than the Dwarf, but he had a good seventy to eighty pounds on Galin. "We might be merchants. Why is that a concern of yours on this early morning?" He didn't like the sheriff; men like Tavers were fat and lazy. They enjoyed bullying people around to make themselves feel strong. That thought alone turned Galin's stomach foul.

Sheriff Tavers locked his gaze on the Dwarf. He hated Dwarves after being taunted about having mixed blood his entire life due to his short and stocky stature. "In this town, everything concerns me." Tavers stepped closer to Galin, trying to intimidate him with his authority. "If you be a merchant, where's your pass?"

Galin's face flushed in anger, a pass! A PASS! He never felt so insulted in his life. In Dwarven society, the rogues and trash of society were issued passes by the Thanes. Those passes allowed them free passage throughout the kingdom. The thought behind it being those with a pass could be observed. It would then be easier to reign in the behavior of the undesirables. Everyone knew it was a failure as it led to countless brawls and more deaths than simple banishment would have, but some Thanes still held true to the archaic system, though they were few and far between.

Galin prepared to lash out with a torrent of curses when a strong hand clasped his shoulder. He forced his anger down, fighting to regain his composure.

With his friend calm, for the moment at least, Gilliam smiled at the sheriff. "Forgive my friend, he doesn't take ignorance well." Tavers turned to face him, the sheriff's face was as red as Galin's was a moment earlier, but Gilliam continued without hesitation. "He's a merchant with Renard's Company and does not require a pass."

Sheriff Tavers watched the human with care. Just who did he think he was? Nobody talks to me like that! "I suppose you are his business partner?" Tavers emphasized the word to try to send the Dwarf into a rage. He didn't think they were involved in anything illegal, he simply decided not to like them and wanted to make them pay for it.

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