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aeri came back late from practice that one night. she was alone too. she told their manager that she wanted alone time and practice a bit.

at first, their manager hesitated to leave her considering it was 10 pm but with a bit of assurance and aegyo, the manager agreed and left her.

she had been practicing all day and haven't eaten since the day before. she didn't get a wink of sleep even. her face was visibly pale and her stamina became a bit lower and her movements were slightly weak. she would usually go to her oppas about anything.

but this time, she didn't tell anyone about it.

she peaked in before quietly entering the dorm. closing the door behind her, she sighed in relief in the thoughts of no one would notice her.

"wow, she decided to roll in."

"why did you come home now? it's still early sweetheart."

"where were you aegi-yah?", jisung's calm voice asked the younger girl despite sungwoon's sarcastic remark and jinyoung's cold tone on her.

she looked around and saw jihoon and woojin giving her a cold stare while seongwoo and jaehwan looked very worried and minhyun was trying to calm down a panic daehwi.

out of all, daniel had an unreadable expression plastered on his face.

"do you know it's two in the morning? where were you? why didn't you pick up your phone?", minhyun came to her and bombard her with questions. it was obvious that he was worried sick.

"i was at the agency... i decided to take a walk. that's all.", she answered softly while looking down at her feet.

"and you can't pick up a single phone call from us?", woojin's eyebrow rose.

"m-my phone died.", aeri cursed herself for stuttering.

"do you know how dangerous it is out there? god's sake kwon aeri you're a girl!", jihoon's voice boomed. he stood up and walked over to the girl.

"how careless can you be huh?! what if you get kidnapped or hurt?! do we need to remind that you're a girl?! stop being a burden! stop being a child aeri, you're fucking seventeen.", jihoon growled.

aeri closed her eyes, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to flow.

"jihoon quit it.", jaehwan butt in.

"what? you're defending her now?", jihoon turned her gaze to woojin who sat down on the sofa.

"park jihoon stop it, you've said enough.", seongwoo was no longer the playful hyung, he was now the mature ong seongwoo.

"that's right jihoon, stop scolding her. she learned from it.", sungwoon went oppa mode when he saw aeri silently cried.

yes, they were worried and was bit disappointed that aeri came home late without informing them but they did it out of care and concern. they wouldn't want their maknae to be harmed.

but jihoon was being too much.

"oh now you're defending her? that's just great aeri, no wonder you're a baby, you're a spoiled brat. always being babied by the hyungs.", jihoon continued to express his anger on the young maknae.

aeri sobbed silently and didn't dare look any of the boys in the eye , "i-i'm sorry o-oppa. I'll w-won't b-b-become a-a b-burden anymore..."

"i understand that i'm a girl. i'm sorry if i'm a spoiled brat. if you want, please don't care about me. i can take care of my self as I'm not worthy of your time."

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