Chapter 4

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Poseidon's pov
It was a two weeks after that first morning and everything was going smoothly, well as smoothly as I would have hoped. Amphitrite had fell in love with the infant almost instantly, mesmerized by his innocence and adorable ness. However, she still sent glared my way and made it clear that I hadn't been forgiven yet. Triton to had warmed up slowly as they days passed and would cast soft gazes at the baby when he thought no one was looking. All three of us gods had adapted our human looking forms seeing as Percy didn't appreciate the tails and bright colored skin.

At the moment I had Percy in my arms sound asleep as I and the rest of the royal family listened to some of the issues that the townsmen had. This process hadn't been going on for too long but I was already tired of listening to silly arguments.

The heavy coral doors closed with a deafening boom as the last merpeople left the room. I sighed in relief and bounced the baby in my arms a few times as he began to wake up from his morning nap. It was only about a half an hour after we had all eaten breakfast but the day was already exhausting. I stood up and swam away from my throne, both my wife and heir followed my actions as they to got up to leave. Triton swam up to me and looked at the baby in my arms, a silent request to hold him. I smiled big as I gently handed Percy to his brother.

Triton's pov
I looked at the fragile mortal in my arms with a loving gaze. Ok you caught me, I absolutely love this little bundle of joy and even though he had only been there for a little bit I couldn't imagine my life without him. I still wasn't pleased with my father cheating on my mom but there was no point in taking my anger out on an innocent child.

I sighed, watching as Percy babbled in that language that only babies know, today my parents would introduce Percy to the town and the ocean as one of its princes. I swam to the baby blue door of Percy's room and pushed it open, giving a quick acknowledgement to the posted guard. Percy's room was connected to my parents chambers so that they had easy access when Percy decided he was ready to wake up and then proceed to scream his head off.

I swam into the room and laid my baby brother down in the middle of the bed so that he wouldn't fall off the bed and injure himself. Because Percy was born half a sea dweller water was similar to air for him, he could trip and fall just like on land. All sea people dealt with this but as people get older they learn to control the water around them, being able to make the water catch them.

I tuned around and started my hunt for his little suit. I can't wait to see this adorable munchkin in a suit. Oh my gods I'm turning soft. This little mortal has made me soft with his curses baby seal eyes. I opened the closet and spotted the suit. Grabbing it off the hanger I quickly rushed to the baby's side as he started to roll around, already getting bored of just laying there. I scooped him up right as he was rolling over the side and sat down setting Percy on my lap. I changed Percy into his suit and couldn't help but coo at the adorable picture in front of me.

I made my way to where my parents were standing, behind a set of closed doors that lead out to an over looking balcony. Both of their heads turned at the sound of my entrance and father made his way over to me, taking Percy from my arms. I made my way to stand in a line with my parents right in front of the double coral doors. Father bounced Percy up and down before turning to one of the guards by the door and nodded, signaling that it was time. Both guards on each side of the doors grasped the handles and pushed them open, allowing the royal family to swim out on to the balcony.

I could hear the crowd down below as my family and I made our way to the end of the railing. On the ground below thousands of citizens were gathered. eagerly awaiting the royal family.

"Today," my father started "we are here to officially welcome Perseus into the royal family as a prince of the seas." My father finished with a booming voice as he held Percy up showing the crowd the baby.

Every pair of eyes were now glued onto my baby brother as everyone took in the news. There had been some suspicions when people had first seen Percy that night my father swam through the city with him, but no one knew the full truth at that time.

The crowd was silent for a moment before if erupted into applause. Percy's baby seal eyes already stealing everyone's heart.

My father sighed in relief as his people accepted his son. We made our way back inside and closed the double doors. The cheers could still be heard from outside as we made our way deeper into the palace. All three of us felt lighter now knowing that Percy was accepted, at least by a majority of the townspeople.

Ok so this chapter isn't the best I had no idea what to write so if you have any ideas in how to improve this chapter please leave a comment.

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