Chapter 14

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3rd POV
Apollo was wasn't really sure how it happened. He was currently in the under water palace being lead around by an energetic toddler.

Percy was almost 100% back to health just three days after Apollo's first arrival. He still had to take long breaks more often then before to catch his breath but there was no other long term damaging effects of the poison.

With Percy no longer being in critical condition the royal family was able to relax a little bit and shift their attention to other pressing issues. However, they still made sure that a god was now with him at all times. Which was where Apollo came in. The three sea gods had started looking more into finding the culprit of the crime now that Percy was off his death bed. They needed someone they trusted to look after the young prince while they held meetings. Poseidon had iris messaged him in the early hours of the morning asking (more like demanding) him to come back to the underwater palace and play babysitter.

Now of course Apollo was offended, he the god of the sun, healing, music and much more was being reduced to watching mortal children. I mean sure the kid's cute but he's so very boring. Apollo went anyways, he'll say it's because he's scared of Poseidon (who isn't) but really he just wanted to hangout with Percy.

At that very moment the three older royals were in a meeting with their most trusted staff. Apollo was tasked with the job of keeping Percy entertained and happy, which resulted in Percy dragging his new friend to each and every room that the palace had to offer. Most of them Percy himself had never even been to either, a majority of them were just simple bedrooms reserved for the staff. Though there was a few more interesting ones, like the game room and the kitchen (Apollo just liked it for the snacks).

The duo ran into many servants and the toddler insisted that they say hello to each and every person they crossed paths with, Percy was very talkative and didn't let anyone walk by until he figured out their name and favorite color.

The cycle repeated for around an hour which is about the time when Percy started getting tired. This resulted in the young prince using Apollo's shoulder as a pillow and promptly drooling all over.

Apollo humbled lowly to himself as he traveled back through the palace searching for a sitting room. He found one not to far away and immediately plopped himself down into the cozy blue arm chair. He sighed basking in the glory of finally resting, he had forgotten how utterly exhausting it was chasing around a toddler. Seriously how does such a little body contain to much energy?

Blue eyes started to fall victim to sleep and he was only partially aware of the young child shifting up so that he could bury his little face into the crook of Apollo's neck. The sun god raised his arms to encircle the small child's body and pull him closer to his chest. It didn't take long before both parties in the room let sleep over take them.

Fifteen minutes went by before another figure waked in the door. Triton entered the room feel relief wash over him as he spotted the young toddler. He and his parents had been roaming the halls looking for the duo ever since the meeting had concluded. Poseidon may trust Apollo but Triton wasn't so sold on the idea of the sun god watching. over his little brother.

Though a scowl soon appeared as he took in the scene. What did Apollo think he was doing cuddling his little brother? They had tasked the healing gods with watching Percy not to bond with the young sea prince.

A huff left the scowled lips and the older sea prince stocked forward to get to the closet. He pulled out a little yellow blanket first before glaring at it and throwing it back onto the shelf. Instead he grabbed a nice green blanket, clearly the superior color to yellow. Taking the fuzzy blanket Triton stepped up to the arm chair and carefully maneuver the green piece of fabric so that it was tucked around the small frame of his younger brother. With one last glaring look trained onto the other immortal in the room the sea heir took his leave.

He wondered back through the halls making his way to find his parent and inform them that he had found their baby and his lousy caretaker. He first found his mother, she was peaking her head into the game rooming.

"Mother," the sudden sound made the queen give a little jump in response.

She turned and was greeted with the sight of her older child.

"They are in the second story lounge room," Triton stated assuming Amphitrite would know who 'they' were.

His mother gave him a short smiled and nodded in recognition, though her expression quickly turned to that of confusion.

Triton anticipating her next question answered, "It seems that both of them thought it was a good time for a nap".

The sea queen gave a snot to that and shook her head in fondness.

"Come let us find her father before he tares down the palace looking for him," Amphitrite beckoned her son to follow.

It didn't take long before the mother and son duo say a figure turn the corner and head their way. The older male had a look of concern on his immortal face.

Triton decided to put him out of his misery and spoke before the king reached them, "He is in the second story lounge room taking nap".

Poseidon's shoulders dropped a bit as his brain processed the words spoken to him. He met his family in the hall and then proceeded to keep waking, his wife and son were quick to follow suit.

The three royals made their way back up to the lounge room, walking in just as Apollo was blinking his eyes into awareness. With his pillow moving so much Percy cracked his eyes open to glare up at the sun god.

Triton silently cheered at that as pushed forward to pluck the toddler up into his arms. Percy have a small squeak as he was lifted up but soon snuggled up to the chest as a realized it was just his big brother.

Triton turned and sent one last glare over his shoulder as he left with his brother.

Ok why am i so bad at adding dialogue to my stories? Also, someone suggested Triton be all mad about Apollo being another brother figure for Percy and I think that would give me a lot of cute little scenes, so yeah Triton is not Apollo's biggest fan. Of course tell me what you think of this chapter and if you have any ideas for future ones please comment them.

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