Chapter 5

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Fair warning this is a short chapter

3rd person
Everything was going fine. The mortal child had quickly won the hearts of the whole city and had everyone around him wrapped around his little finger. One look of his baby seal eyes had the royal family running in circles trying to please him.

Percy learned to crawl and in no time how to walk. Now with the young prince running around the castle the whole kingdom was on its toes. Poseidon had gone into panic mode making sure everything was baby proof, all corners now had soft cushions on them, sharp objects were moved to higher places, and certain doors had more locks making sure little hands couldn't open them. At one point Poseidon had to baby proof his trident, let's just say he was not over joyed by this event.

The water swirled as the toddler clumsily made his way across the room his older brother a couple steps behind making sure the young child didn't fall over during his journey to the other side of the room.

Percy made gurgling sounds as he watched his little feet carry him. The blue wall in front of him got closer and closer and, bonk, all the sudden instead of the wall getting closer the floor was right in front of his face.

There was a deafening thud followed by a shrill cry as the young demigod's face meet the floor. Triton had the child in his arms before anyone could blink. Rocking the distrot child back and forth carefully checking Percy for injuries even tho the water worked fast to heal what would have been a bruise. Running his hand through the toddlers hair and wiping away stray tears Triton comforted the baby.

The young sea god laid a gentle kiss on the crown of the babies head as he continued to hold the small child. He looked down and glared, a threatening, death, go to hades glare. And the receiver had the GUTS to not even react.

Triton gave a powerful swing of his leg, sending his brothers attacker into the wall, with a great crash the attacker collided with a perfectly painted blue wall.

Amphitrite was confused beyond measures when she walked into the throne room to, a wailing baby, a steaming mad god, and the shattered remains of a toy train.

I don't know how I feel about this. It's really short but I don't know what to add. Also if there's anything wrong with the chapter please tell me

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