Chapter 15

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3rd POV

Amphitrite watched her husband from her perch on their bed. The king of sea was pacing his emotions not letting him stop.

The couple had just gotten back from a board meeting, one that had been drawn long into the night far past what the two royals thought it would. The hot topic that had taken so long to discuss was finding the culprit to the crime committed against the youngest sea prince.

The council had mulled over countless leads, bringing in multiply suspects. However, Poseidon couldn't help but feel defeated. There hadn't been much progress in their search only being able to eliminate around three suspects leaving fifteen others to go. And that was assuming that any of the current suspects were actually guilty.

Poseidon wanted justice and he answers. Why had someone looked at his innocent child and then plotted his death? Poseidon's mind started spiraling into more and more questions. Were they going to strike again? Was the person going to come back and try to finish the job? Or maybe attack another another one of his family members?

The sea king hated the worry that washed all over his body every time he thought of his family. The god wasn't scared of a lot of things, however, any small thought involving his family in danger had fear gripping at his heart and anxiety crawling on his skin.

Amphitrite sat. She sat on their unbelievable comfy bed, watching her husband. He walked, flailing his arms around and shake his head every once in awhile. The sea queen herself licked her lips and blinked back the tears that had started to pool in her eyes.

With a sign Amphitrite stood up and slipped out of their chambers, her husband barely making a note of this fact. Soft foot falls could be heard throughout the halls as the queen made her way through the maze of a castle. The guards nodded to her as she passed, tho none of them willing to ask her where she was going.

Amphitrite halted at one of the doors, taking a breath she wrapped her delicate fingers around the cold metal nob before giving it a turn and gently pushing the slab of wood open. A small smile made its way across the goddess's lips as she gazed at her child.

Percy was curled up into a ball clutching the arms of a stuffed horse. Percy's bed had the look of a giant pink shell, with the edges curling up to create walls so that the young child would not be able to fall while he slept.

The sea queen shifted forward, bending down to pick up the blanket that had fallen. She gripped the soft fabric before leaning down to tuck the corner in around the small frame of her baby. Amphitrite pushed back a few dark locks before laying a gentle kiss on Percy's forehead. The sea goddess stood up and with one last glance at the youngest prince she took her leave, shutting the door quietly.

Amphitrite made her way to the next door, opening it just as gently as the last, however, she frowned as she found the bed empty. The blankets perfectly tucked in indicating that no one had touched it since last night.

The sea queen shook her head, proceeding to head towards the training grounds. The goddess took a step into the grounds taking the scene in. Triton was in the middle, hacking at a dummy with two others already laying at his feet. Well not feet, the sea queen took note that her son had changed back into his born form. He now sported two green tails and his skin was tinted, Triton usually preferred to train in his merman form.

Going further into the room Amphitrite spotted a lavender mermaid leaning on the far wall. Cora watched as her friend showed no mercy to his stuffed opponent.

"How long?," The young mermaid snapped her head up, taking in the sight of her queen.

"About an hour my lady," Cora responded, shifting her gaze back to the heir.

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