Chapter 12

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3rd pov
By the gods Poseidon really did not want to do this. He resented that the situation had come to this. But the fates had forced his hand.

He was calling his nephew sunshine.

It wasn't that the sea king hated the sun god, quite the opposite actually. However, his dear nephew was not the most reliable god around and Poseidon hated that he now had to reveal his young child to such a loose canon god. Ever time the older god even so much as thought about telling an outsider about his baby he was thrown to the edge of a panic attack. The almost constant anxiety that flowed through Poseidon's vein these days made him paranoid to every movement. The king would check in on Percy as often as he could, and he never got to far away from the baby prince's chambers just in case he was needed.

The sea king had had his doctors and servants searching day and night for a cure but they had all turned up empty handed. They had reached a point where they could no longer afford the luxury of time, leaving them with one last option, Apollo.

As soon as that decision had been reached Poseidon made the call to his nephew, if they were going to do this there needed to be no more wasted time twiddling their thumbs, they needed a cure. Ten minutes after Poseidon's and Apollo's iris message had ended found the Sea king and his heir pacing the in throne room "patiently" waiting for the healing god to arrive.

A small woosh was the indicator for the royal duo, both father and son turned coming face to face with a dazzling smile.

"Uncle P," the cheery voice floated through the water , "I'm glad if not a bit confused that I got a call from you."

Poseidon studied the younger god, debating on his next words.

"I...", the sea king blinked a few times, choking back the tears and setting his mouth into a tight lipped frown, trying to stop emotion from leaking through, "I need your assistance on a very pressing matter".

Deeming that a sufficient explanation he turned on his heels, throwing a look over his shoulder to beckon his son and nephew to follow. Figuring that he wasn't going to get more information right then Apollo moved forward.

The trip to Percy's chambers was silent, with both sea gods riddled with anxiety and Apollo just wanting answers to the odd behavior of the olympian. Poseidon was usually so carefree and relaxed but now he seemed on edge, as if he was walking to his own death sentence.

The three came to a stop right outside a baby blue door, Poseidon reached out and pushed the door in stepping aside so that Triton and Apollo could walk in first. With a soft click the sea king stepped in the room and closed the door behind him. Apollo blinked at the sight that greeted him, there on the bed sat the sea Queen with a child in her arms. A child that looked startling like the green eyes olympian that was in the room, except instead of nice tanned skin there was deathly pale flesh.

The healing god took a slow step towards the sick child, putting enough of the puzzle pieces together to gather that he was called upon to help the toddler.

"Ricin," Apollo snapped his head up to face Triton as he spoke, "that's what he's was poisoned with, you can fix it right?" the words were rushed out in one big breath.

Apollo turned back to the sleeping toddler, now with a hint of fear in his gaze. He walked closer, not meeting the heart breaking eyes of Amphitrite as he placed his warm hands on to Percy's head. He moved his hands down to the small chest, and then to his wrist checking the pulse.

"Ok," it was exhaled as Apollo took in all of the information that was swimming in his head, "ok".

He sent them all out, Poseidon, Triton, and Amphitrite. That left Apollo with the pitiful looking child and a sea doctor that had yet to introduce himself. In all honesty Apollo wasn't even sure where to start but he knew that with the three other immortals breathing down his back he would get no where, so they would have to wait outside.

The only way that Apollo could think of for removing this virus of a poison was to "manually" separate the young boys blood from the poison. Oh god this was going to be a long night.

Hours later found Poseidon pacing the hallway, back and forth he went as if stuck in a constant loop. Triton had decided sitting on the ground looking at the ground in despair was a better use of his time. Amphitrite had... left?, neither male had noticed when the queen had disappeared nor where she was, and in all honesty this fact was only barely registered.

It was well into the night, luminescent jelly fish lit up the city below them (just go with it). Apollo was just finishing up, pulling the covers up over the shivering toddler and popping a chunk of ambrosia into his own mouth. The hours of using his healing powers and separating each poison leak out of the little body had left him feeling a bit of fatigue. He stood up and strode over to the door before twisting the handle to go talk to other immortals.

When they heard the door click two sets of green eyes instantly locked with the figure exiting the room.

"How is he?!" the words were tumbling out of Poseidon mouth before he even had a proper thought of speaking.

"Umm I think so," yeah no this answer did not have the effect of soothing the distraught father.

"Sorry," Apollo winced at the look he received from his answer, "I mean, he should be all good, I went in and disconnected the poison from his blood stream. He'll need a couple days of rest but other than that he should be fine,".

Apollo gave the duo a minute to process the information before asking his burning question,

"Now, who is that child exactly?"

ok finally a new chapter, i am really bad with this whole updating thing. but anyway how do you like this chapter? was it good/bad?, and if you guys have any ideas for future chapter please leave a comment.

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