Chapter 10

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3rd POV
"Father.." Triton quietly trailed off as the figure in front of him shook.

Poseidon's breath caught as he tried desperately to reel in his emotions. He had just gotten done comforting his injured child, the sight had sent guilt running through him so he quickly excused himself from the room. The king jumped when a hand landed on his shoulder. Tears threatened to escaped as white hot shame flooded through his body. He was the god of the seas he was not suppose to break down especially not in front of people.

"I," Poseidon opened his mouth to some how cover up the situation and play it off like he wasn't having a mental break down.

Triton bit his lip showing how uncertain he was, his father crying was uncharted territory. The sea prince paused for a moment as he let his mind wonder through possible outcomes. In a split second Triton acted almost on instinct and didn't have time to think of his reputation.

Poseidon grunted as his son collided with his stone still frame. Emotions surfaced as Triton buried his head into his father's chest. With slight hesitation warm arms came to wrap around the heir and pull him closer to the king. Both gods had tears flowing down tan cheeks.

Poseidon leaned his head down resting it on the other god's shoulder. Failure was the only thought whirling in the kings mind. He had failed at being the father Triton had needed. He had failed at staying loyal to his lovely wife. He had failed at saving his mortal lover. And he had failed to protect Percy. For gods sake it had happened right under his nose, in his palace, in his element and still Percy had almost died. More tears slipped from Poseidon's eyes, he should have done something, what kind of father fucked up this badly.

Triton was busy crying out his own turmoil. His shoulders shook as silent sob swept through his body. Everything had came crashing down, the emotional dam that Triton had built started to crumble. The sea prince had been hiding behind a smile for the last few days, a smile for Percy, for his mother, for his father. His parents had enough to deal with they didn't need to add a hysterical heir to the list.

Neither god could remember the last time they showed this much emotion. Triton blamed Percy, the young demigod had made him soft. In a way Percy had made Triton feel alive again, being immortal was truly a grime reality at times. Years of loss and bitterness had caused Triton to be numb to the world for so long but then came his golden savior in the form of a fragile mortal. Oh gods how he hated that word, mortal, at least when talking about his younger brother. Mortal meant death, it meant little time, it meant watching him grow old (if they were lucky) and then living on without him.

Pain crashed through Triton's body as he was reminded of the inevitable. He did not want to live in a world without Percy.

This is kinda short but I couldn't think of anything else to add. Also, not gonna lie I was half writing this chapter in a completely different route before I was like nope I need Poseidon and Triton bonding. In an early chapter I went back and added that people who could live on land and underwater had a thin layer of air surrounding them, this would explain why they would be able to cry just if anyone was confused.

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