Chapter 7

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If you didn't read the A/N then please do
Percy is now 2
3rd POV
Posiedon felt a smile slip onto his face as he watched the trio in front of him.

There stood Triton with his arms full of a bubbling toddler, said toddler with blue cookie dough all over his face, and Amphitrite leaning over both of them assessing the damage the youngest addition to their family had done to the kitchen.

It had all started with Amphitrite. Since Percy had come to the kingdom Amphitrite had decided she wanted to give him at least a half-way normal mortal upbringing. This had resulted in many random activities including the whole family watching what humans called 'movies', specific Christmas movies. The gods knew about the holiday Christmas just not about all the small details and weird traditions mortals did for it. Who puts dead trees in their houses and why do humans prepare for this one day all year?

Learning that making cookies during the holiday season was basically an essential aspect, Amphitrite had rushed to get started, bringing along the three males so they could have some family bonding.

The family of four had entered the kitchen, non of the gods had cooked in many years, but Amphitrite had faith in the cookie recipe she had found off of something called 'Pinterest' (idk if gods can use technology or if it's just demigods who can't, let's just go with it).

Poseidon set Percy down on the counter, allowing the toddler to witness all the cookie making magic. The sea gods began, mixing flour and sugar, eggs and vanilla, throwing chocolate chips in whenever they felt it was necessary. The result was seven bowls full of rich cookie dough, each bowl containing a different flavor. There was sugar, chocolate chip, sprinkles, chocolate fudge, salted caramel, peanut butter, and monster.

While the gods were trying to decode the oven Percy had found something blue. A blue liquid in a small bottle, it was in a box with three other bottles of colored liquids, green, yellow, and red. Percy squeezed the small bottle in his chubby hands, watching as the liquid inside sprayed, many drops landing in the bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough. He grabbed at the blue droplets, giggling as the dough began to turn an unnatural shade of blue. The baby sea Prince stuck his thumb in his mouth eating the blue dough and smearing it on his face.

Percy spotted the the dough with sprinkles and decided it would also look better blue. Standing up on short legs he walked on the counter making his way to the bowl. His foot was to close to the edge and his slippery socks pulled him off the marble slab. Strong hands caught Percy under his armpits, pulling the demigod close to a broad chest.

Percy tilted his head up, staring up at his older brother with sparkling sea green eyes and a wide smile. He had cookie dough all over and was still clutching the food dye. Amphitrite frowned surveying the mess that had been made. Poseidon smiled enjoying the moment.

The king turned around and grabbed a wet rag, making his way back over to the trio he started to whip off the sticky substance from Percy's hands and face.

"Wook it's bwue" Percy stated, looking proud. (He can't pronounce L's).

The adults looked at him with soft eyes and Poseidon lifted Percy out of Triton's arms, pushing back his hair and kissing the toddlers forehead. His beard brushing against the soft baby skin, Percy laughed and pushed his dads face back.

"Stop, it tickwes" Percy breathed out, cheeks rosy and eyes shining.

Poseidon chuckled, rubbing his beard against his son's cheek. Watching as the toddler giggled and tried to escape his embrace.

The duo walked out, leaving to go get Percy changed into clothes with less blue dough on them. The mother and heir finished putting the remaining dough onto pans and then popping them in the oven. Amphitrite set the timer and began to wipe away the flour that had flown out of the bowls.

When her and Triton were done cleaning up the mess the timer started to scream. Amphitrite grabbed an oven mite and pulled out the freshly baked goods. Poseidon walked in Percy trailing behind, attached to the sea king's hand. The toddler had changed into his favorite footie pajamas, they were navy blue with cute animated turtles as the pattern.

Amphitrite smiled as the two walked in, she started to pile the cooling cookies onto a platter, making sure their was some of every kind.

"Let's go watch a movie?" The queen suggested, she made her way out of the kitchen and in to the tv room.

Percy raced after his mom, the promise of cookies and a movie more than enough to excite the little boy. Triton and Poseidon followed behind them.

Running in to the room Percy threw himself onto the mountain of blankets that rested on the couch, the gods trailed in after the eager child. The small family settled in, tucked under a pile of blankets and snuggled up to each other. The movie 'Elf' played, it was a movie that mortals watched many times so Amphitrite decided it must be good. Percy sat on Amphitrite lap with Poseidon to their right and Triton to their left. The platter of baked goods sat on the coffee table in front of them all. The movie watchers would snatch themselves a cookie every once in awhile, Percy only grabbed the blue ones.

A little after half way through the movie left an empty platter, three stuffed gods, and one sleeping toddler. Amphitrite made a move to stand up, effectively waking Percy up in the process. She smiled down at the demigod as he used his little fists to rub the sleep out of his eyes. She turned her head watching her other two boys. Poseidon was also knocked out on the couch and drool was pooling out of his mouth. Triton was fully engaged in the movie, watching as Buddy attacked the fake Santa.

Amphitrite ran her fingers through Percy's hair, the toddler laid his head back down and tried to force his tired eyes open and focused on the colorful blobs on the screen. The sea queen just rested her head on the back of the couch, watching the movie and enjoying getting the quiet family time. She didn't have many peaceful moments and she wasn't about ready to let this one pass her by.

I hope you liked. Also any ideas for future chapters are always helpful.

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