Chapter 9

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3rd POV
Amphitrite hummed lowly, hoping to soothe her child. Percy rose and fell with every one of Amphitrite's breathes. He was perched on his mom's chest, with Amphitrite sitting in a rocking chair. An IV was still tapped to Percy's arm, pumping fluids into his blood stream, trying to help combat the invading poison.

A fever continued to rage throughout the boys small body. Shivers hit full force every five minutes. His skin was losing color by the hour and his sea green eyes were gazed over.

Amphitrite refused to take her eyes off Percy, afraid the minute she did that his breathing would go from struggling to non existent. Poseidon was holding a court meeting with his close circle. They were discussing the matter at hand. Trying to find the antagonist that dared attack the beloved young prince.

The sea queen kept rocking the toddler, wishing that she could make everything better in a blink of an eye. She cradled his head as she felt him finally go slack as he lost his fight with Morpheus. Ten minutes went by in temporary peace before Triton entered the room followed by a palace doctor.

Reluctantly the queen laid Percy down onto the bed, making sure to not twist the IV and other wires. She took a step pack and watched as the doctor took her spot at Percy's side. Amphitrite's attention turned to her older son as the doctor started the exam.

"The people are scared," the comment was thrown into the air, Triton not sure where he was going with it.

Amphitrite stayed tight lipped, silently agreeing. The unexpected attack had sent the entire kingdom into panic mode. Within two days gifts had rained down onto the royal family, a display of their people's loyalty.

Her eyes wondered back to the frail figure on the bed. Observing as the doctor checked Percy's vitals. Recording the numbers that the machines spat out. The doctor pulled a funny face causing both Amphitrite and Triton to tense up, preparing for life shattering news.

"What is wrong?" Eyebrows furrowed in worry.

"He's nutrition levels are low, we may need to put in a feeding tube." The doctor kept fiddling with a monitor as he voiced his concerns.

Once again Amphitrite's lips formed a line as she continued to listen to the details of her son's declining health. His fever had rose, his heart beat was slow, his breathing was choppy. With each comment Amphitrite's face fell. Her heart rate sped up, each beat was like a knife stabbing her body. Ripping flesh and letting worry bleed out.

Her heart hurt.

It hurt to watch her lively son be stripped down of his childlike wonder. Made vulnerable and frail for the outside world to take advantage of. It hurt to feel useless, as if she was failing at being a mother. Not being able to simple protect the ones she loved.

Her heart hurt.

(With Poseidon)

He was going to strangle the fates. And if the sea King wasn't so creeped out by the three sisters he may actually follow through with that threat.

It was physically painful to walk away from Percy's room that morning. When he had glanced back at the three year old all he could think about was scooping Percy into his arms and hiding him from the world. Gods how could the fates be so cruel as to put such an innocent child through this pain.

Poseidon had gotten his close circle of trusted guards and other local royals together. They discussed the possibilities of countless foes. Not willing to rule out anyone just yet. They had talked for five hours and Poseidon was ready to rush back to Percy's side.

Water swirled as Poseidon hastily made his way into the infirmary. He was greeted by the sight of his two sons curled up on the bed. . Triton was curled around Percy, with Percy's head tucked into Triton's chest. Both princes were sound asleep and their mother was perched on top of a nearby chair. The king's eyes traced every detail of his wife's face, noting the worry lines that were recently added.

He made his way over, pulling a chair up to sit by his family. Amphitrite instantly laid her head on her husbands shoulder, feeling exhausting wash over her. She had been running around on full alert for two days straight, even gods had their limits. The entire royal family had hit a wall and within ten minutes the king and queen joined their sons in sweet bliss.

(Time skip)

Doctor Sheldon walked into the room containing the ill toddler, only to pause in his stride at the sight that greeted him. A smile slipped onto the doctor's face as he gazed upon the family. The two princes remained curled together on the bed, Triton gently cradling Percy to his chest. At the side of the bed sat their parents, Poseidon had pulled Amphitrite onto his lap and both of them were knocked out.

The doctor took a quick glance at the monitors displaying the young prince's vitals, deciding that Percy was stable for the moment and that he would let the royals enjoy their peace, even if it was only for another hour. He quietly left the chamber, making his way to other patients.

Poseidon stirred his senses picking up on the smallest of noises. He scanned the room looking for possible threats. The tension left his muscles once he realized the room was out of harm's way. He shifted slightly moving so that Amphitrite's head was rested in the crook of his neck.

"Daddy" it was whispered, barely audio, but it had Poseidon whipping his head up.

The king quickly set his queen down making sure she was still asleep before rushing over to Percy. Detangling him from his brother's hold and picking him up. Percy looked up at him with cloudy eyes and a tired smile. Poseidon clutched Percy to his chest as salty tears finally broke free. They rushed out, the dam that Poseidon had tried to hold for the last two days had been torn down with one word. Percy clawed at his fathers shirt, feeling protected in his embrace.

I really should start adding more plot but I just love the angsty fluff.

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