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"Even after Percy is dealt with I'm going to have to play being Annebeth? Really? " I asked my father

"Yes, because he's been cursed by the God of the underworld, he'll die and be reborn only to die by being betrayed."

" as you wish, father. " I was pissed,  had to pretend to be this longer!

The connection was cut, "soon my siblings, you'll be free."

I heard laughter echo around me.


It's been two months since Percy's incident, I added another name to my list, Poseidon. I was nervous about Percy, he was a Greek demigod who was adopted by a Norse god, what are the consequences of that.

Suddenly I felt an arm around my throat, "where is Percy?" Asked a feminine voice behind me.

I reached be home me, grabbed her shoulders and tried to throw her, but I couldn't! Was it the angle of was I not strong enough?

"I'm not his enemy." She whispered , "I'm just worried about him."

I felt like I should believe her, I spoke against my will, "in Asgard, with Thor learning to control his powers."

"Is he safe?" She asked

" Yes. "

I suddenly fell forward, I turned around and she was gone!



Percy's growth was awe inspiring! I'm just under two months, he had mastered all the basics except measurement. I also noticed that his empty eyes have returned, the ones he has when he first showed up.

He's not really alive, but going through the phases. I'm worried about him, a hero of his level shouldn't have those eyes!

"That's enough for the day." I told him, he simply nodded as he walked away

"I really feel bad for him." Came a sudden voice from besides me, I wasn't startled, that's how Loki starts conversations

"Hello brother."

He nodded, "Hello." He looked again where Percy had stood, "I think he's still upset about his father."

I nodded, " that stays with you. "

"I might have thought of a way to help him."

My eyes widened, "how?"

He told me his plan, his insanely dangerous plan.


I was furious! Everyone knows the better students get the better teachers, so why did the new kid, Percy, get Thor? From what I can tell, he's nothing special!

Me and my gang were just walking around looking for something to do when I saw the *sshole! He was with the horses!

"I used to be able to understand you, I used too." He was. crying! The baby was crying, "then everyone betrayed me!"

We walked in, "what do we have here?" I asked

His eyes were red, he really was crying! The student of Thor was crying! I walked over to him. I was a good three inches taller! I grabbed him by his shirt and lifted him up!

"Your pathetic!" I spat at him

" Percy... " came a voice, we turned and saw Thor himself, I was about to put Percy down when he raised his hand, "...we both know these kids are no match for you, so stop moping!" Percy suddenly got heavier! "So what your father disowned you! Your my son now!"

I felt myself go pale, he's the son of Thor? Percy Thorson?

"By the way kid, right seriously, he led the last two major wars."

I felt a hand on my arm! Suddenly I was on the ground! He was already on Jeff! One, two, punches! One to his gut and the other to his throat!He then pushed him at Lucas as he ducked a punch from Brad! He quickly slid his foot back, hitting Brad's foot, knocking him to the ground! Lucas looked at him, then us, then he pulled his pendant off!

Our pendants suppress our domain, Lucas' is thunder, he's a minor thunder god! He immediately blasted at Percy, he didn't move not flinch, he just took it! There was a small explosion, there was dust everywhere!

From in the dust, I saw a set of gold eyes! I then pissed myself! Who was this guy? This pressure that's seeping from him, it makes it hard to breath! He can't be more than a hundred and seventy! Where is

I saw that even Thor looked nervous! Who was this kid?


When I heard that Percy had betrayed Olympus, I decided the fields of punishment were bad enough! So I split his soul in half, so that one half can be reborn over and over again for all eternity!

Then imagine my surprise when Percy sends a package to Zeus with his missing thunderbolt! And the verbal message was even more eerie, which brought me to thinking about his war strategy. He's trying to divide Olympus!

When I made the suggestion, Athena agreed with me! That's when Poseidon decided he would disown his son, as long as no evidence is given to prove his innocence. So he had to disowned his favorite son!

I'm just happy that he showed his true colors! I never liked the kid, he was always up to something, now I know that he was just getting rid of the bigger threats! I looked at his soul, the strange part, it was white with specks of black! As in pure of heart, with darkness seeping in!


I say down on the edge of Asgard, it was beautiful, all the endless stars and blackness.

I wonder if Chaos is real. The most powerful of deities, creator of the primordials, is he laughing at me now? I sigh, "I must be a joke to you, huh?" I the emptiness

"No one is laughing at you." Came a sudden voice behind me, I turned and saw Loki! "I come bearing gifts." He said

I turned forward, he sat next to me, "so, how do you know that no one laughing at me?"

" Because you've done incredible things, incredible enough to be allowed in Asgard! Not even Thor's human children were allowed in! " he explained

Huh? I'm seen as important! "So, what's this gift you cone bearing?" I asked

He gave me a pen, "it's name is Surge." He said

I uncapped the pen and it produced a sword identical it riptide but made of pure electricity!

"How?" I asked

" Magic. " he laughed


Percy is smarter than I have him credit for, he has had us in the palm of his hand, yet, we didn't even know! We thought he was a hero, but he was.actually our opponent!

But why'd he cheat on Annebeth? That have him no advantage! Is it possible that we've been in Annebeth 's palm? No, she's pure of heart, her strong says so, the string that I stole when she was little! I look at it, and notice that it's not white, more of a gray!

She's mourning! That's why it says she's dead, it's grief!

Why is this Asgardian saying that Percy never did any of the things he's done? Looked at Heimdall, he looked wise, so why was he defending a traitor?


I watched as the hero slowly recovered, if he kept getting help he'd end up getting better! I need something to happen! Something to make him depressed!

The longer I delay him, the better my chances against my brother are, especially if I can trick him!


I'm sitting at my desk, why do these things keep happening to percy? He needs to get his emotions balanced, otherwise he won't get strong... Oh that son of Odin just balanced them.

"Thank you, Loki." I mutter

 the betrayed avengerWhere stories live. Discover now