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I gasped, "kill Annebeth?"

"Yes." Replied one, "I also found it hard to believe when I was betrayed."

What's with that guy? "We've covered that all orders regarding destroyers apply to Sins, correct?"

" Yes. " replied the big one

"WAIT!" They all looked at me, "what if she isn't a... Sin?"

" Then I still get my revenge. "


I wanted, so badly, to rip his throat out! I just kept taking deep breaths. "Then I still get my revenge." I reply before walking away

Not from anger, but because magic items were approaching, many of them, that's all I could tell! I started heading in their direction, it wasn't long before I found their owners. One was familiar, the other...not so much.

"Hello, Loki." I exclaimed

They both looked as me, hands raised with magic circles up, I raised mine, "who are you, boy?" The little girl asked

" I'm going by Peter Johnson. "

Loki raised his eyebrow, "son of posei-"

"I'M NOT THE SON OF THE SEA GOD!" I yelled instinctively, right before the girl hit me with a spell!It three me backwards, I crashed through a few trees!

"Darling, that wasn't nice!" I heard Loki tell her

"But a mere Greek raised his voice to you." She whined

I walked back to them, "my name is actually Percy Thorson, Son of Thor!"

Loki smiled, "how's the spear I gave you?"

I laughed, "my sword is good, " I replied, "the creator of the universe upgraded it though."

His face paled, "you met Chaos?" I simply nodded, "You've met the being that invented magic? Gods? Existence?" He gasped

"...yes." He fainted

I stared at him for a few seconds, "you okay buddy?"

" Don't speak to my father like you know him! " the little girl snapped

I looked at her, she looked annoying! "But I do know him, he's my uncle, a friend, he even made my sword." I replied taking my sword out, her eyes widened

"You managed to copy his wok!" She replied clapping sarcastically

She was burning through my patience! Then Loki woke up.

"Thor wants to see you!" Loki gasped as he jumped to his feel

I smiled, "He's alive?" I asked, getting my hopes up

"Yes, we've been awaiting your return these past ten years!" He replied with his eyes tearing up, "Where have you been?"

" I'll explain when we return to Asgard. "


I was.getting close, I could smell it! I followed the scent of narcissism, and it led me right to.... Loki?

He had his daughter with him and they were talking to a boy,.not Percy Thorson, this kid was just as tall with blond hair, that's all I could see from behind him.

"I'll explain when we return to Asgard." He exclaimed suddenly

I stepped into the open, "Hault!" I declared, all three of them looked at me, "who are you to allow strangers into Asgard? " I snarled at him

 the betrayed avengerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant