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I was standing besides the door to the Chaos cabin when I felt a sudden rush of power! I subconsciously jumped back just in time for something to crash through the wall where I had stood not even half a second earlier!

What ever it was landed about a hundred yards away! The figure slowly stood up, IT WAS POSEIDON! His nose was completely inverted, he kinda looked like Voldemort from Harry Potter!

"YOU UNGRATEFUL BASTARD!" He yelled as Percy walked out of the hole, WITH HIS FATHER'S TRIDENT IN HIS STOMACH! "I AM YOUR FATHER!" He was starting to sound hysterical, "I OWN YOU! YOU SHALL DO AS I SAY!"

Percy just calmly walked over to him, he spoke quietly, but the sound traveled as most of the camp had gone silent to watch the spectacle, "I am not Percious Jackson, he died when you disowned him, I am Percious Thorson, Born when i was adopted by Thor." There was only silence, "I hold no allegiance to you, or Olympus. I only follow orders from one person, Chaos, the primordial of the universe."


I had joined a crowd that had formed out of curiosity, "I hold no allegiance to you, or Olympus. I only follow orders from one person, Chaos, the primordial of the universe." Came percy's voice, he sounded monotone, he honestly sounded frightening, I felt my knees start to shake! "If you ever attack me, or those I call friends, Tartarus will be the least of your problems!" To prove his point, a -for lack of better measurement- Fuck Ton of lightning slammed into the ground all over camp! "I will personally put Triton or Oceanus in charge of the ocean, and make them an Olympian!"

There wad one final flash of light, before he had vanished!

Leaving me to think about what Poseidon did to piss him off!


I needed to cool off, so I travelled to the underworld to jump into Tartarus. If he was the enemy, I'll just burn him to a crisp! I wandered around looking for the hole to Tartarus when I ran into Thanatos!

"Hey!" I called to him, "Any clue where Tartarus is? "

"About for hours away from your camp. " he sighed, "I'm going to be busy!"

"Thanks, which direction?"

"Away from the sea. "


My arrogant brother had to go piss off the son of Thor! Now we have two wars to fight! I was pissed at him! He just doomed us all!

As if on cue: thunder struck the center of the room, there stood the smaller of the two from last time, in full golden armor, holding a golden staff with a blue jewel at the tip, he looked ready for battle!

"Hello Olympus. " he greeted, before all pleasantries disappeared from his voice, "stone one stabbed my nephew!" Olympus rumbled at his words, "but my brother is feeling generous, hand over Poseidon and there will be no war! Just a small execution!"

I could immediately tell that it was the best option, but I still didn't want to did my next action, "I, Zeus, king of the Olympians forbid flashing from camp half blood!" I exclaimed, making it impossible for Poseidon to teleport away, "He's at camp half blood. "

Then he was gone! I just sacrificed my brother, I felt.... is this guilt? Probably. I haven't felt it in centuries, but it needed to be done.

I glanced at the other Olympians present, (All except Artemis and Poseidon) who nodded I agreement! I hope I made the correct choice.

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