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Author: Weathervane

Books Well-Known For: The Locker Exchange 

How long have you been writing? I've been writing for a really long time actually! I think the furthest back I can go is when I used to write in a small journal about unicorns and magic doors and Village Inn (haha). I'd get really inspired by books and try to write in a similar style with the same world but a different plot and characters - sort of like half fan fiction.

What do you love about writing? I really love getting to write characters! It's amazing to think that you can create an entire world all on your own and all you have to do is type it out. My favorite part is probably playing with how the characters interact with each other and developing them and cheering them on the whole time.

What's your favorite genre to write and why? I don't have much experience, but I really like romance. I think it's because I'm super single HAHA. I love making characters that fall in love with each other and putting them in ride-or-die type situations.

Do you have any advice to offer aspiring authors? My advice to any aspiring authors is to READ! The best way to get better at writing is by reading - it gives inspiration and style help. It also helps with coming up with original ideas and avoiding writing things you (and others) might not like to read.

Do you plan to have a future involved with writing?Yes! Right now I'm kind of a mess, but I'm majoring in film production and I'd like to either write for TV shows or continue writing novels. I've got a lot of support from my family and friends when it comes to writing (which I'm really grateful for), so we'll see!

What project are you currently working on?At the moment, I'm pretty pre-occupied with college, but once I get the chance, I hope to fix up my outline for My Prince Has a Lovely Scowl and get that started one day. Although, I have no idea when that day will come. Sorry!

To conclude the questions today, can you tell us a fun fact about yourself? I started the outline for The Locker Exchange in my science class during sophomore year of high school because I was so bored I'd write it out on my paper instead of notes and then sneak it onto my phone. No regrets.

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