6 - Pathetic excuse for a witch

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I could only relax when I sat down in the corner of the pub with a pint of Butterbeer in front of me. The others weren't lying when they said it was good.

"Here's a map of Hogsmeade, I drew it last year", she said, handing me a piece of parchment with every street of the village centre on it, as well as every shop with its name and details.

"Wow, this is great", I say and my eyes scan over the parchment.

"I'd love to get a new Quill", I say as your finger lands on Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop.

"My favorite one is this one", she says and points out Tomes and Scrolls.

"It's a book shop. It's always very calm in there and they have even more books than the school library has", she says and I can clearly see the twinkle in her eyes. I can see that she's excited about this trip. I've never seen her talk with that many people other than Luna and myself, so I don't believe she has that many friends.

"Come on, let's go shopping then", I say and take her arm. She smiles brightly.

We pay and make our way over to Tomes and Scrolls, where I buy a Muggle book my mum used to read to me: Alice in Wonderland. It's been a while since I've read it since it does not come with the happiest memories, but seeing it makes me smile.

I buy a new quill at Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop and some sweets at Honeydukes. I decide to buy Luna some too, since she's always so nice to me.

During lunch, I notice Cho acting kind of odd. She's constantly looking on her pocket watch.

"You've got somewhere to be?" I ask and she looks torn.

"Yeah, I have to meet up with some... friends", she says, not sounding too convincing. She's either meeting up with a boy, or it's about the thing Luna began about this morning. Either way it's pretty obvious that I'm not supposed to be there and she feels bad about it.

"Oh don't worry, just leave when you have to, I have plenty of shops I still want to visit", I say with a smile and she looks relieved. Maybe this is the time to probe for some information about Harry and her.

"So, you and Harry, huh?" I say and she immediately starts blushing.

"You're a thing?"

"Oh no we're not, just friends", she says.

"But you like him, don't you?"

It stays quiet for a while.

"Well, I think he likes you, maybe you should ask him out", you say.

"I don't know, I feel like that'd be too fast", she says. I ask her what she means.

"I had a boyfriend last year, Cedric Diggory. He died at the end of the Triwizard Championship. I feel like it's too soon to start dating again." I can see the pain in her eyes and immediately feel bad.

"I'm so sorry", I say and take her hand. "It's okay, really, I'm just going to take it slow", she says and I nod.

"So, have you developed any crushes?" she asks to lighten the mood and I laugh.

"I've barely talked to any guys. Only Roger, Tom because he was my partner in Potions and... well, Malfoy", I say.

"You seem to have quite a connection with Malfoy, you never know", she says and I snort.

"He hates me and the feeling is mutual, he's an arrogant twat", I snort. "And he's dating this weird Slytherin girl", I say.

"Pansy? I don't know about that. Luna thinks he's crushing on you too", she says, implying that it is mutual. Never in a million years. It's ridiculous. A crush on Malfoy, just downright ridiculous. He's... well he's Malfoy.

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