12 - Then you're accepted into the Order

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Hermione guides me through the corridors to the Room of Requirement. The past two days have been... acceptable.

"Here it is", Hermione whispers and suddenly, a door starts forming out of nowhere. Oh, how I love magic.

Hermione opens the door and pushes me in quickly, following right behind me.

The room is large, with mirrors on two sides, a fireplace and random pieces of furniture here and there. At least twenty people are staring at me.

"Y/N?" I hear Cho asking as she steps forward. I wave awkwardly.

"Y/N is joining our group, treat her nicely", Hermione says and pulls me with her to Harry and Ron.

"How is your dad?" Hermione asks Ron.

"He'll be fine, he gets out of the hospital on Friday", he says. "Couldn't miss our last class could I?" he added.




"From Ilvermorny."

I turn around and look at two identical humans. Fred and George Weasley, I've heard quite a lot about them. Apparently they're legendary pranksters.

"I'm Fred", the one says. He has a slightly pointier chin, I believe.

"And I'm George", the other one says.

"I'm Y/N, but you knew that already", I say and they smile.

"We know everything."

"At any moment."

"Of anyone."

"At Hogwarts at least." It's a bit scary when they talk like that, finishing each other's sentences.

"Good to know. Let me know if you find a cure for Umbridge's horrible personality", I say.

The next couple of hours consists of me talking to a lot of new people, thanking Ginny again for what she did when I was under Petrificus Totalus, placing bets with the twins on who is going to fail the worst, learning Expecto Patronum, which I found really cool, because I've never been taught that spell and hearing Ron's story about how Scabbers ended up being Peter Pettigrew. I found it quite amusing, even though he didn't share that opinion. We got along really well, surprisingly. Draco never had many positive things to say about the trio and even though you stayed pretty open-minded, since you loved Hermione, you still remember all the things he said.

Cho apologised for not telling me, but I understood why she didn't. It would be such a shame if this would be shut down, so why risk it?

"You should really come to the Order with us, I'll send my mum an owl to let her know", Ron says at the end of the session when we were walking to the Great Hall for dinner.

Harry stayed behind and so did Cho. I'm kind of curious to know what they're up to.

"You really should, it's so fun! Definitely more fun that wandering around here, although the library could definitely keep you busy", Hermione adds.

"That's really sweet you guys, but I have never met any of those people except you guys, I can't possibly do that, it's not polite", I say.

"Then you haven't met our mother", Fred - I think at least, it could be George - says as he catches up to us. "She'd probably murder us for not bringing you with us if she hears that you're all alone at Hogwarts."

"I don't even know what this Order is about, how can they trust me?" I protest.

"Are you a fan of Voldemort?" George asks.

"Of course not, are you mad?" I exclaim shocked. Why would anyone be a fan of that monster?

"Do you believe Harry when he says that he's seen and battled him?" Fred asks.

"Of course, I don't think he'd lie about something like that."

"Then you're accepted into the Order. I'll send my mum and Owl that you're coming. We leave Saturday night at 6PM and that's the last of it", Ron says and sits down at the Gryffindor table before I can say any more. Baffled I join my house.

Cho never came to dinner so I wrap up some dinner for her and make my way to the common room. I'm not even halfway the first corridor when someone pulls me behind a corner. Gentle yet rough. Warm yet cold. Draco Malfoy.

I look up, straight into his silvery blue eyes. They don't shine. Frankly, there wasn't really any depth in them. The eyes that used to be a maze to me, now hold nothing but anger and frustration.

"What are you doing with the Gryffindors?" He asks harshly, pulling me straight back to reality. Why does he even care? Why does he even think he has the right to talk to me like that after everything that had happened?

"That's none of your bloody business", I say and pull my hand loose.

He looks surprised and his posture softens slightly.

"Y/N, wait", he asks and gently pushes me back.

I raise an eyebrow and use every bit of power in me to stay strong. I need to get out of here as soon as possible, yet I'm so curious to what he's going to say.

"I.... Listen I....", he starts. He sighs. "Never mind", he says and removes his hand from my upper arm. Nothing. That's it? Not a single word? Not even an apology?

"You so bloody pathetic", I say and push past him.

Anger runs through my veins as I stomp towards the common room.

"What do you give to others, but still try and keep?" The door asks.

"I don't care okay, just let me in", I say frustrated. Couldn't they have given us a simple password? Nothing happens. Of course not. I can't even remember the riddle.

"A promise. You give it to others, but you also try to keep it." I turn around and see Luna, smiling slightly at me. The door opens.

"Thanks", I mutter.

We walk in and the first thing I see is Cho. She's sitting in an armchair, her legs pulled up to her chest. She's staring blankly into the fire. My anger transforms into worry as I walk up to her.

"Cho, are you alright? I ask. She doesn't respond. I lay my hand on her upper arm. "If something's wrong, you can tell me, okay?" Still no response.

"You know that right? I'm here for you. We both are", I say as Luna sits next to me.

"I kissed Harry!" She suddenly blurts out. I look at her in shock.

"You what?! Cho that's... wait. Why are you acting like it's a bad thing?' I ask confused.

"I don't know. I feel like it's wrong to like him. It hasn't even been a year since Cedric died. How insensitive is that?!" A tear rolls down her cheek.  I pull her into a hug.

"Please don't think like that. It's not a bad thing to like someone again. That does not change your feelings for Cedric. You loved him, that doesn't mean you should never like anyone else. You can't control who you like or when you fall for them. And there's nothing wrong with that", I say.

You could say I'm kind of talking from experience. The problem is that I'm not sure whether or not it's a bad thing. In Cho's case it isn't. In mine? I'm pretty sure falling for Malfoy has been the worst, yet best thing that has happened it quite some time.

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