8 - Toxic

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One kiss, I'd thought. What would one kiss change? Oh, how I underestimated that. One kiss didn't just stay one kiss, oh no.

It's like a drug to me, highly addictive as a matter of fact. But not only to me. Draco - I'm pretty sure we're on first name basis by now - finds it hard to stay away from me as well.

He still calls me names in the hallways, or sabotages me in class, but the way he looks at me changed. Not a look of pure disgust, a look of desire.

I tried my very best to stay away from him. He made me lose focus and I couldn't use that right now. I had to focus on my studies. But as the end of October was just days away, I was more and more tempted to let myself lose my mind.

But, the trigger was definitely Umbridge. If I didn't despise her yet - which I so did - I definitely do know. She had the audacity to prohibit all extra-curricular activities. Including Quidditch. This meant I couldn't play, whilst the match against Hufflepuff was only one and a half week away. Roger apologised and cancelled all upcoming trainings, as did all team captains of the other houses. I'm strongly against dark magic, but oh, I could Avada Kedavra that bitch into outer space.

In general, it's a complete disaster. Not only did I catch up on everything regarding magic in Britain that I missed, I'm also quite on top of my daily schoolwork and have no training anymore. This results in heaps and heaps of free time. Normally I would be thrilled: Curling up on a couch with a muggle book, not having to stress about anything, taking a nap once in a while, but now that isn't the case. Anytime I close my eyes or let myself relax for a moment, he pops up. And the more I try to forget about him, the worse it gets. Those damn eyes. They are toxic.

Apparently we share the same opinion, though. He often pulls me into an empty classroom or under a staircase to make out, and then just like that, he leaves again. I know it isn't good to be sneaking around like that, but I love every second of it. It is... exciting.

Him being a prefect kind of has its perks as well. He once pulled me into a classroom and told me to wait outside of my common room at 12 PM. He came to get me and we went to the Astronomy tower, for yet another makeout session. If we'd come across Filch or a teacher, he could always say that I was wandering around the halls on my way to madame Pomfrey, because I wasn't feeling well, and he could be a good prefect and bring me there. As I said, toxic.

It's 11:58 PM and yet again, I am waiting in the common room for the well known knock on the door. I'm in my pyjamas to look less suspicious and am slightly shivering. It's the beginning of November and it's cold.

I'm going to tell him that this is wrong and that we shouldn't sneak around like this. I hear the knock and immediately stand up. I open the door and see the blonde bloke leaning against the doorway with a smug look on his face. He winks, takes my hand and pulls me with him. We sneak around corners and through corridors, until we finally reach the stairs towards the astronomy tower.

"This is wrong, Malfoy", I whisper as we run up the stairs. He opens the door, lets me in a close it again.

"Since when are we back on last name basis, Y/L/N?" He asks and carefully pushes me against the stone wall.

"We really shouldn't be doing this", I say, but my confidence disappears like a puff of smoke.

"You're such a goody two shoes", he whispers and goosebumps creep on my skin.

"If you really don't want to, just tell me", he says and leans back a bit.

Of course my ignorant, stupid, mad self shuts out my brain and pulls him in, kissing him with passion. I can feel his smile against my lips as he sneaks his arms around my waist.

"Maybe another time", I whisper in the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck.

I have absolutely no self-control around this guy and it's driving me mad. Do I continue this because it's what I want, or do I stop it because it is wrong? But the more I think about it in his presence, the more I'm doubting my strict beliefs.

What is so wrong about it really? Sneaking off with a guy I barely know to make out in the Astronomy tower. I pull away slightly, my lips tingling from where his just were.

"Are you okay?" He asks and I sigh.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask him, letting him go.

"Why are you?"

"This is not the time for games Draco, I'm serious", I say and he sighs.

"I like you, I guess", he says. At least it's not just to release his sexual tension.

"You don't know me", I say and he stares into my eyes, his looking silver again in this lack of light.

"I know you're witty, you bite back. I know you're confident and extremely smart. You don't let people run over you. I know you've got self-respect and you're really, really pretty", he says. "And that's enough for me."

I don't really know what to respond to that. I'm baffled. Does he really mean all that?

"Y/N Y/L/N who is lost for words, there's a first time for everything I suppose."

"Oh shut up", I say and pull him in again.

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