31 - The first of May

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Being Draco's girlfriend again was great, definitely in times like these, but it also had a large amount of disadvantages. The first one being that I was treated differently. Draco had power over The Carrow twins and therefore they wouldn't punish me as badly as they would with the others. But I didn't want that. My friends were punished for every little misstep they took. I wasn't going to watch that happen whilst being in favor with the dark side. So I told them not to treat me any differently and I told Draco to stop telling them to. The Carrow twins thoroughly enjoyed that since they didn't like me at all. I still had my beliefs and if that would result in pain, then so be it.

I also felt like people didn't really trust me. My close friends did and I was grateful for that, but whenever I was walking through the hallways with Draco, people would look at me with disgust. I felt like an outsider.

But being with Draco again was nice. I enjoyed it as long as it would last. I thought many times to break it off since I couldn't see this go in any positive direction, but in reality I needed him as much as he needed me. I needed a little love in dark times and Draco was always there for me, always.

I also considered convincing Draco to switch sides multiple times, and I still hope he will, but I know I can't do that. Don't get me wrong, it wouldn't be hard. I know that deep down Draco would love to leave the side of the Dark Lord, but his family is keeping him. I can't possibly make him choose between me and his family. He has to make his own choice in the end, and so will I.

Defence Against the Dark Arts, a subject that I thoroughly enjoyed in my sixth year, was transformed into Dark Arts, a much less enjoyable subject. There was this one lesson where we had to use the Cruciatus curse on first years. The little girl in front of me was shaking like a leaf and I couldn't even think about hurting her. So like many others, I declined. This resulted in the Cruciatus curse used on us. Worst pain I have ever felt in my life, but still kind of worth it. Most students declined really. Goes to show that everyone has a little Hufflepuff in them.

8 months. Can you imagine 8 months of that? No one was allowed to go home over Christmas break. I don't think anyone would come back. Well, that was not really true. Draco had to go to the Malfoy Manor every holiday. Christmas, Easter, Half terms... He'd always come back feeling miserable. I knew by now that he just needed a hug after that. I needed to tell him that everything was going to be okay. The atmosphere had dropped to freezing point after christmas break. I don't think anyone had ever experienced a year without Christmas. Not even the Great Hall was decorated

But although very little good things happened over the span of those months, I had Draco. We grew closer than ever before, both being scared of what was to come. He kept a low profile since no one knew what to think of him. I just supported him to the best of my abilities, whilst still showing that I was not on the same side. A difficult task, but it made me stay my own person. He needed to know that he was not alone in this. And he loved me for that, I knew that. Most nights I'd fall asleep in his arms, either at my or his common room, which made it just a bit more bearable.

I also grew closer to Luna and Cho again. They were both scared and I found comfort in talking to them. They had grown to like Draco as well, which I was very happy about. I cared about them and I needed friends outside of my relationship. I missed Hermione though.

When the first of May came around, that changed. Rumour had it that Harry, Ron and Hermione returned, I was thrilled yet frightened. I was so happy to hear that they were alive, especially Hermione, but it did mean one thing. War was near and so was Draco's crucial decision.


Never had so many things happened in a mere 24 hours. Snape fled, Harry came, Voldemort came. I was standing outside, helping McGonagall creating a barrier to keep out Voldemort and his followers for a while. I had lost Draco a while ago, when McGonagall sent all Slytherins to the dungeons. I just hoped I would see him before hell would break loose. I hadn't even gotten the chance to see Hermione. I saw her in the Great Hall and we quickly exchanged looks, but that was about it.

It didn't take very long. An hour maybe? One and a half? But soon enough our barrier was broken and Death Eaters started apparating onto school grounds. I was scared, terrified even, but I knew that this was coming and that I had to do my absolute best to help. I just found out about Harry's hunt on Horcruxes. "All he needs is time", McGonagall had said, so I was going to help him get as much of that as possible. Harry and I might have never been the best of friends, but I cared for him and anyone who could and wanted to defeat the Dark Lord was a friend to me.

So it started, the Battle of Hogwarts.

"Stupify!" I scream as a Death Eater apparates right in front of me.

"Y/N, duck!" I hear and do as the voice says. A spell is casted over my head and soon, I feel an arm around my waist.

"Draco?" I ask in disbelieve and hug him tightly.

"Thank Merlin you're alive", I mumble.

"You have Granger to thank for that", he says and I frown. All of the sudden his eyes widen and he pulls me aside, a spell just barely missing us.

"Reducto!" I scream at the sender.

"Crabbe set the Room of Requirement on fire. If it hadn't been for Granger who instructed Ron and Harry to come save me, I would have been burned to a crisp", he says.

"Hermione did that?" I ask in disbelief. I knew she disliked Draco, then why would she save him?

"She said she did it for you", Draco says and kisses me softly. Next to me, a Death Eater is stunned and I come back to reality.

"Let's go kick some arses", I say and pull him with me.

"Y/N, I can't. That's betrayal and even if I don't survive that, my parents will pay the price." Sadness takes over me and I nod. I knew this would happen, but I somehow wished it wouldn't. So I go out on my own.

"Everte Statum!" I shout as I see Cho being attacked by Greyback, a werewolf.

"Watch out!" Cho screams at me and I turn around, a Death Eater coming my way.

I want to cast a spell, but I'm not fast enough.

"Crucio!" the Death Eater calls out and I fall to the ground, letting go of my wand. An excruciating pain enters my body and I squirm on the cold flour.

"Expelliarmus!" I hear and the pain stops.

"Stupify!" I hear. Next, a non-verbal spell is casted and the Death Eater is turned into dust.

There's no one else who is that good at non-verbal spells. I feel two arms around my chest and I'm pulled to my feet. "Draco?" I ask and he hugs me.

"I guess when it comes to you I'm picking sides anyway", he mumbles and I smile.

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