23 - I'll never come back

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7 weeks to go.

I had spent my first week cleaning up the house. Every room in the house was dirty, like it hadn't been cleaned for months. Every day I did another room and at the end of the week, I was a little over halfway finished. I barely saw my dad. He'd wake up at around 12PM, he'd make a sandwich, take some beers and head upstairs again. At night he'd go to the bar down the street. I never hear him come in. Sometimes he never comes home at all. It pains me to see him like that. He used to be my dad.
On Thursday I got my first letter from Draco. He told me about how his mother wanted to know everything about me when his dad wasn't around and was eager to meet you. His dad on the other hand gave him a huge lecture about it, but when Draco told him that he wouldn't end it, he just stopped talking about it. That is kind of good news, I guess. His holiday wasn't very exciting either. He had to go to fancy dinners with his family and he really wasn't excited about his aunt coming next week. I don't know her, but she seems to annoy the crap out of him. He told me that the picture of the two of you stood on his nightstand and that he misses me, which really warmed my heart.

6 weeks to go.

I got the results for my OWL's! Ten! I have ten OWL's, which means I got one for every course I took! I told my dad and for a moment I thought he looked up, as if he cared, but he didn't say anything. I was so happy that I immediately wrote Draco. He had 9, Hermione 11 and Cho 7.
Hermione also told me about how she was going to Brighton with her family and sent me a book. A muggle one, The Great Gatsby. I read it in one week, sending her one of my favorites: Robinson Crusoe. Luna just told me that she was very happy to be home with her dad and that I could visit her whenever. I wish I could, but I couldn't use magic and my dad sure wasn't going to help me.
Cho did the same, also mentioning that a cute new guy lived in her street. Her and Harry unfortunately didn't work out, so this was good for her.
I finished cleaning the rest of the house and went to get groceries. It was weird having so many responsibilities again after a year in Hogwarts.

5 weeks to go.

I was still happy about my OWL's, already longing for Hogwarts, but my luck was cut short. I learned the hard way. I - obviously - didn't bring beers with me when getting groceries and dad wasn't happy about it. He slapped me. I was in pure shock and had no idea what to do. Afterwards he started crying and spent the rest of the day on the couch. The problem was that I had a feeling that he was crying because of the lack of beer, not because he slapped me. The woman comes over more and more frequent. She really does not like me. She orders me around constantly and when I talk back, she starts screaming at me that I should show her some respect. She's a muggle apparently, so I can't scare her with my wand either.
I finally told Draco about the situation. I hadn't told him earlier because I didn't want him to worry. But I had no idea what to do and I was so lonely, despite the letters every week. I missed him like crazy.

4 weeks to go.

We're halfway there, but I'm not sure if I'm even going to make it another 4 weeks. The woman now practically lives here. Her name is Margaret apparently. She smokes a lot, which I find disgusting. I've decided that I just do what they say and try to survive the next 4 weeks. Another letter from Hermione and one from The Weasleys. They invited me to The Burrow, but like with Luna, I had to decline. Draco's letter was very short this time, as if he was in a hurry. He vaguely told me something about his aunt knowing about me and not liking it. We'll see.

3 weeks to go.

No letter from Draco this week. It might have gotten lost in the mail. It usually comes on Tuesday's, but by Friday, I still didn't have my letter. I sent him one and told him about it, in case it did get lost. Hermione sent me another book: Gulliver's Travels and I also got a letter from Ginny and Cho. I went out a lot to avoid dad. I'd spent hours re-reading Hogwarts: A History as well as a lot of muggle books.

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