27 - Ever since he threatened the girl

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After realising all of that, I went into a state of ignorance. I ate because I had to, I went to class, studied, ate, studied some more and went to bed. I was glad to have taken on so many NEWT's since I could use that to fill my time. I didn't speak much. I never spoke about the break-up, not even with Cho, Luna or Hermione. Everyone knew though, which made the first months a hell. Everyone was looking at me and talking about me and making up the craziest rumours. I ignored what I was feeling and focussed on my schoolwork. Quidditch had also been reinstated, so I joined the team again as Chaser. It was a way to pass time, but I still noticed everything about him.

His skin is grey, his eyes are dull and he has lost an immense amount of weight, which worries me. Harper has taken his place as Quidditch Seeker and he has missed many homework deadlines. He is even ignoring his prefect duties, which he thoroughly enjoyed last year. So in the back of my mind, I knew something was up with him. I tried to dissect the conversation he had with Snape, but every possibility seemed more unlikely. Or it just scared me. I was scared that the truth would be my worst possibility and I wasn't ready to accept that.

The uncertainty made me unable to move on. I couldn't accept that he just not loved me anymore.

Harry's theory didn't help either, since it was so close to my worst possibility. What if he was right? What if Draco had become a Death Eater and had been in contact with the Dark Lord? That not his father was forcing him to break up with me, but that he had to because he didn't want me to get hurt or because Voldemort told him to? Or his aunt maybe? It was a very likely possibility, but my mind wasn't accepting that fact that Draco would become a Death Eater. At least not willingly, but with his dad out of the picture, why would anyone force him to?

Strange things started happening too. Katie Bell was cursed, as was Ron and rumours started to spread around the castle. There were numerous murders outside of Hogwarts, which made me hope even more that Malfoy wasn't one of reasons why, because Death Eaters were always the murderers. Why did I fall in love with someone from one of the most evil families of them all? With someone with such close ties to the Dark Lord and most of all, why didn't these feelings fade? I stayed at Hogwarts during Christmas. Hermione and Ron asked me to join them again, but I declined, simply not feeling like messing up their holidays with my bad mood. Instead I just spend it learning everything I could about Ancient Ruins, since I wasn't taking that course. But it wasn't until Slughorn's party that I'd actually look him in the eyes again.

It was in the beginning of January and Slughorn was hosting a Christmas party for his top students. This exclusive situation made me sick, but I couldn't decline. So I went, with Cho as my date. It was all very boring and sad, until Filch came in, dragging a skinny blonde bloke with him. Malfoy.

"I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor", Filch said. "He claims to have been invited to your party."

Malfoy looked distressed and his eyes wandered around the room, ultimately landing on yours. The suddes eye contact made you shiver and you could see that he was feeling it as well.

"I'll escort him out", Snape said and roughly took his arm, dragging him out. I had discovered useful information through one of their conversations before, why not again?

I slipped out unnoticed and took off my heels so I could follow them soundlessly.

"Maybe I hexed that girl, maybe I didn't, what's it to you?" I heard and my eyes widened. Was he talking about Katie? Snape said something about an Unbreakable Vow, but I couldn't hear him well so I got a little closer. All of the sudden someone touched my shoulder and I turned around. It was Harry. I motioned him to shut up and turned back to the conversation.

"I don't need protection", Malfoy hissed. "I was chosen for this, out of all others, me. And I won't fail him." Chosen to do what?

"You're afraid Draco, you have been ever since he threatened you with the girl", Snape said in his monotone voice. "You try to conceal it, but it's obvious. Let me assist you." Threatened him with what girl? Me?

"I'm not. I was chosen, I have to", he said. We heard footsteps so we quickly hide behind a pillar.

"Did he say something else? Before I arrived", Harry asked as they have left. He was the one who hexed Katie. How could he do that and most of all, why?

"No", I say, not trusting Harry's impulsive behaviour.


Ever since I've been confused. Having so many unanswered questions. We're a month further and I can't even seem to focus on my studies, which is really annoying me. Even though I really don't want to, I have to talk to him. And I know exactly how I'll get him to talk.

It's a Sunday morning and I just spotted him at breakfast. He left on his own so I decide to follow him. It's snowing outside, but it seems as if he doesn't care, as he just walks out without a coat on. I follow him, wrapping my arms around myself, rubbing them to keep me warm.

He kneels down at the edge of the Lake and lays his head in his hands. Something is wrong. He seems so distressed.

"Malfoy?" I ask and he turns around shocked.

"Yeez Y/N, what are you doing here?" he asks, standing up.

"I need answers", I say and pull the sleeves of my sweater down to protect my hands from the cold.

"I don't have any", he says and starts walking away.

"I know you hexed Katie", I say and he stops in his tracks.

"I demand answers now or I'll go to Dumbledore", I say and his eyes widen.

"I didn't hex her", he says, but I can tell that he's lying.

"Try to tell that to the headmaster", I say and turn around.

"No, Y/N, wait!" he calls out and I smile. It's working.

"Not here, come on", he says and pulls me with him. He takes me to the Whomping Willow.

"Immobulus", he casts and the willow stops moving.

"Come on", he says and walks to the edge of the tree. There's a hole underneath a root, big enough to fit a person. Draco steps in, but I hesitate.

"Come on, it's safe", he says. When I still don't move, he holds out his hand. I hesitantly take it and follow him through the secret passageway. His hands are extremely cold and skinnier than before. We end up in an old wooden house.

"The Shrieking Shack", I mumble. I realise that I'm still holding his hand, so I let go quickly.

"No one will find us here", he says.

"You're not going to kill me, are you?" I ask and he chuckles. It's the first time I've seen him smile since... since the first week of school. But it disappears as soon as it came.

"Why did you do it?" I ask and he sighs.

"I can't tell you Y/N, I'm sorry", he says, but I'm not taking no for an answer.

"You know everything about me", I say and walk over to him.

"I told you and no one else about what happened with my dad. Because I loved you and I thought I could trust you", I say and for the first time since the break-up, I can see emotions in his eyes. Hurt, sadness and impotence. "And I know you didn't break up with me for no reason."

"I can't tell you Y/N. No one can find out. If I tell you, you'd be disgusted by me. And if anyone finds out, I'm done for, okay?" he says and looks at me with pleading eyes. I think he just confirmed my worst fear.

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