10 - He really is back

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"Don't you dare to walk out on me like that!" I shout, releasing all build-up anger that has been boiling since the start of this conversation.

"How dare you to do that? Was this all one stupid game to you?! Is that why you did it?" My voice is echoing through the room. I'm sure people outside can hear me, but I couldn't care less.

"You had no problems with me being a half-blood or a Ravenclaw these past two months. What the hell happened?"

He opens his mouth to answer, but I don't even want to know.

"Shut up! I never did anything wrong to you, ever! You don't get to treat me like that. It doesn't matter who you are, I don't deserve that!" I look away to hold back the tears that are brimming in my eyes.

"Did you want to break the new girl?" I ask more calmly now. "Is that it? Is that all you ever wanted to do? A stupid bet or something? Because then congratulations, it's working", I say and push past him, letting the tears do their thing. I slam the door close and run as far away from him as possible.

I wanted to slap him in the face so badly. I almost regret not doing it. Ravenclaw's moral sense, right?

I push people away and run wherever my feet can carry me. As soon as my feet hit the snow I change course towards the lake. I left my bag and coat in the tower, but I don't really care. I plump down against a tree and lean my head back. This was the worst possible outcome.

I rub my eyes and ignore the banging headache that is creeping up. I feel so angry. Sad too, but above all outraged. Angry at him, angry at the world, angry at myself. I feel so stupid. Naive, as he said. Over a stupid, stupid, stupid boy.

I pick up a rock and throw it as far as my sitting self can across the lake. It slams through the thin layer of ice that has formed and plunges into the water.

"Everything okay?" I hear and I look up. Harry Potter is standing a couple feet away from me.

"Oh yeah, of course, just a rough day", I say and he sits down.

"Tell me about it", he mumbles.

"What's the problem?" I ask.

"You don't even want to know", he says with a slight smile. "You're friends with Cho aren't you?" he asks and I nod.

"And you're Hermione's friend." He nods.

"You know Hermione?"

"She certainly does. We're study buddies, you could say." The smart brunette pops up behind us.

"This is Y/N Y/L/N, we study a lot together", Hermione says and sits down in front of us.

"It really is a bit cold to sit outside, fancy going to the common room?" she asks and Harry nods.

"You coming, Y/N?" he asks and I frown.

"I'm a Ravenclaw", I say.

"We can get you in, it happens more often, no one really cares", Hermione says and pulls me up. I can see that she's trying to figure out why I look like I have cried.

We walk through the corridors to the Gryffindor Tower. Harry says the password and the Fat Lady let's us in.

"So, how are you doing?" Hermione asks when we have found a quiet place to sit down. It's almost 1 PM, which means I have Herbology with Hufflepuff in half an hour.

"I'm fine", I say, hoping she doesn't push for answers. "What class have you got next?" I ask to avoid that.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts with Slytherin, Monday couldn't possible be any worse", she says and rolls her eyes. Umbridge really is the worst.

Filthy Little Secret - Draco x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें