22 - Welcome home

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Life was good again. Who knew that so much would happen in my first year at Hogwarts? Although I was the most boring girlfriend ever after that day in May due to locking myself up in the library every chance I got, we would still sneak in little moments when possible.

I had set a goal for myself to ace these OWL's an luckily, Draco understood. He said that his parents always pushed him to get the best grades and that I was a good motivation for him.

Hermione and I got way closer again. We didn't hang out that much since Harry and Ron did not want much to do with me because of Draco, but now we'd spend so much time in the library together that all old bonds were recovered.

As the OWL's came, I was nervous as hell, but also ready. It had always been my dream to become a teacher, at Hogwarts maybe, and for that I needed a lot of OWL's.

I started of with Arithmancy, followed by Care of Magical Creatures and Charms. I also participated in the History of Magic OWL even though I didn't take that course. I had read and studied that book completely when coming here, so an extra OWL would always be nice. Astronomy was easy, because I know so much about it, and Potions was okay. I always have trouble guessing how I've done in that subject since Snape's expression is impossible to read.

Herbology, even though I hate that subject, went okay too since it's a lot of theory and patience. It's the last subject I'd ever want to teach, but the more OWL's the better. On the last two days I had Transfiguration and Defence Against the Dark Arts. Transfiguration went well and Defence Against the Dark Arts... well, everyone got an OWL for that subject since the Weasley Twins decided to mess up things for a real one. I really didn't mind. I had studied so hard for that subject and I still felt like Umbridge would make it hell. Safe to say I congratulated the twins for their actions afterwards. It was sad to realise that they wouldn't come back next year, but hey, they ended their career with a bang.

The only thing that was rather annoying, was that Draco's birthday was in the middle of the OWL's. June 5th and although my grades were very important to me, I couldn't possibly ignore it. So I spend that day making my Care of Magical Creatures exam, eating lunch with Dray, ignoring the comments I got from Pansy, studying with him at the Library, giving him my gifts - which were the Potions book I had seen right before Christmas break, a new black quill and a picture of the two of us - and spending dinner at the Astronomy Tower. It wasn't much, but it was lovely anyway.

Although everyone was happy that the school year was over and that we could go home, I really wasn't. I had nothing to look forward to. My dad wouldn't be too happy to see me, I wouldn't see Dray for two months because of his dad and I have no friends at home since they all live in America. I can't even practice magic since I'm not 17 yet. Cho, Luna and Hermione all promised to write me though, as well as Draco of course.

So when the train rolls into the station near Hogsmeade, I can only feel dread. Draco squeezes my hand slightly, noticing how uncomfortable I am and winks reassuringly. I share a compartment with Cho and Luna and try not to panic too much when the train ride commences.

A couple minutes before we arrive at King's Cross, Draco's head pops into my compartment and he smiles, obviously wanting to say goodbye since his dad won't give him the chance to do so at the station. I tell him that I'll be out in a second and he nods.

"I'll really miss you guys", I say and pull my two friends into a hug.

"Promise to write me every freaking day!" I mumble and can't help tears forming in my eyes.

"We will, don't worry", Cho says. "Now go say goodbye to your blonde god, we'll see you in two months, okay?"

I nod and hug them one last time.

"Have a good break! I love you guys!" I say and leave the compartment.

Draco is standing just outside, leaning against the wall.

"Hey you", I say and I feel that I'm getting emotional.

"Hey, come here", Draco says as he sees the tears welling up in my eyes and he pulls me in close.

"I'm going to miss you", I say and he kisses my forehead.

"I'm going to miss you too, but it's only two months and I'll write you a lot", he says and wipes away a lost tear.

"You better or I'll find you", I say smirking.

"Well maybe then I shouldn't", he says and I playfully punch him. The train starts to slow down and I panic just a little.

"Hey, it's going to be alright. I'm sure your dad will have cooled down after not seeing you for a year", he says and I shrug. I'm not too sure about that, he would have written me, right?

People start coming out of their compartments so I quickly pull Draco into a kiss.

"Don't forget about me, okay? See you in two months", I say and let him go.

"I love you", he says and then the train doors slide open, taking him away from me.

"I love you too", I mumble.

Oh how wrong he was thinking that my dad had cooled down. It got worse, way worse. To an extent that even I hadn't expected.

As I walk through the front door after a taxi ride home, I can hear him yelling, which confuses me. Most of the times he doesn't say anything. The house is a mess. Letters are piled up behind the front door, there is an odd smell everywhere, dishes are stacked up on every piece of furniture we own and there are empty cans of beer everywhere. My dad doesn't drink, what is going on?

I walk in and am shocked by the sight. My dad is yelling at a woman whilst waving his arms around like a mad man, spilling beer from the can in his hand.

Suddenly, his hand collides with the woman's cheek and both her and me gasp. They both look at me in shock.

"What are you doing here?" my dad hisses and I look down.

"It's the end of the school year dad. Summer break, remember?" I say and he scoffs.

"I'm out of here, I expect an apology soon", the woman says and rolls her eyes. My dad just slapped her and she expects only an apology? What is going on in this house?

"I hate kids", the woman says as she pushes past me, leaving me baffled.

"You slapped her. Who was that?" I ask and my dad just grunts, taking a six-pack of beer and walking up the stairs.

Welcome home to me.

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