16 - I can't possibly betray them

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A month has passed since that night in the tower. I haven't really talked to or about Draco much. He'd occasionally look at me in the hallways or in the Great Hall, but that's about it. What Hermione said happens to be true in the end. Draco doesn't smile.

I lied. I did talk to Draco twice in the past month. Once two weeks ago and once about two minutes ago. I didn't think much of the first conversation, until just now.

It was in the third week of January and I was walking down the hallways, anxiously.

In these weeks, I've tried to take my mind off of the situation by reading the books I got for Christmas. Yes, even the astronomy book, even though that doesn't help me taking my mind off of things, it's way too interesting. Also this guy, Seamus Finnigan, has taken an interest in me and I don't like it. He asked me out twice, but I've turned him down both times. Don't get me wrong, he's cute and kind of funny, but I'm really not looking for something romantic. At least not with him. Ginny told me to just go out with him once, to get my mind off of things and to, perhaps, make Draco jealous. It was tempting, but I couldn't do that.

I also still follow Harry's defensive classes twice a week. Seamus just started following those as well, which made it slightly awkward. He keeps giving me compliments and it makes me kind of uncomfortable. Anyway, Harry's defence classes, that's where this all began.

We had just walked through the door to the Room of Requirement and I looked back to see it disappearing, since I find it rather peculiar. But I was distracted when I saw the blonde boy standing at the end of the hallway, looking at me in shock. Then the door closed and disappeared, anxiety rushing through me. Draco knew and he wasn't going to like it. Whilst I've been busy with my squad, he's been busy with his. The Inquisitorial Squad, what a great match we are. The worst thing was that he didn't look angry. He looked disappointed, which is so much worse. Because I still care. It's worse because I care about him and I don't want him to be disappointed in me. I already miss him, I don't want to create even more distance.

I didn't do great in that class, being completely distracted. I just pushed through it and left as soon as the class ended. I didn't even make it 2 hallways before a hand grabbed my cloak and pulled me into an empty classroom.

"You're in Harry's dumb army?" Draco asked and then he did look angry. "Why?"

"Why not? At least he teaches us something useful since Umbridge doesn't", I said.

"They want to overrule the Ministry, are you supporting that?" He asked and I sigh.

"You really believe that Harry is going to take over the Ministry?" I asked with a hint of a smile.

"No, but Dumbledore might and we all know Harry is his little favourite", he said.

"I promise you that Dumbledore has nothing to do with it. Harry just wants to be prepared if... when he returns", I said and Draco looked concerned.

"He's not coming back", he said, but I could see that he was lying.

"You're delusional if you believe that. I like these classes, I'm learning a lot, just let me", I said and sighed. I knew I shouldn't care about what he thought about it, I couldn't give him that control, but I couldn't control my feelings either.

"And what's up with the Finnigan kid anyway?" he asked and I raise an eyebrow.

"Seamus?" I asked.

"He so obviously likes you", he said. He was jealous, Draco freaking Malfoy was jealous of Seamus Finnigan.

"Do you like him too?" He asked.

I immediately wanted to reply 'no', but I knew that wasn't a smart thing to do. I had to show him that he didn't have me anymore.

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