Chapter 2

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~Jungkook pov~

I blinked rapidly, thinking I've got to be dreaming. I have to be... Right?

Taehyung bent down and picked up my phone. He smiled lightly and handed it to me. I took my phone.

"Hi Kookie, I haven't seen you in forever. I've missed you." Taehyung said. I felt my heartbeat increase as the sound of his voice. I'm not dreaming.

"Ye-yeah.... Um, I'm late for work." I said, averting my gaze to the floor. I started to walk around him. He moved in front of me.

"Wait, you don't want to catch up and talk?" He asked.

"Not to you." I replied.

"What did I do?" He asked, sounding so sincere. I gulped as tears began to form in my eyes. Is he trying to play dumb? Is he trying to toy with my emotions? Did he even love me to begin with?

"Did you even love me?" I asked, looking up at him with tears in my eyes. I didn't wait for a reply. I quickly pushed past him and walked out of the coffee shop.

Tears fell as I ran down the sidewalk to my office building. I thought I was over him... I thought I had moved on... But... I don't think I have.

The office building is not far from the coffee shop, only a block. So, in no time, I was walking to my cubical.

I put my bag down and I sat down at my computer. I quickly checked my emails as I do every morning. I threw away the junk mail and I read over the important stuff. I then wrote some things down so I can tell my boss his schedule and stuff.

When I finished, I stood and walked to my Boss's office. I hesitantly knocked on the door.

"Come in." I heard him say. I opened the door and stepped inside. He looked up at me from his desk.

"Ahh, Jungkook. Glad you could join us today. Too many drinks last night? Did you go get drunk and let some guy fuck you?" He asked. I gulped. What kind of questions are these?

"Ugh, why are you late?" He yelled. I flinched.

"I-i'm sorry..." I began.

"I'm sorry." He mocked. I blinked away tears.

"Sorry don't cut it Jeon. Get those stacks of papers over there and file them. I suggest you do it fast, or your ass will be here all night." He yelled. I stood and bowed. I quickly got the papers, though they were heavy, and I carried them to the file room. I sat them on the table and I looked at the first one. I opened the falling cabinet it should go in and I put it in there.

Everyone hates filing. It takes forever. It gives you a headache, makes your hands hurt, and it strains your eyes. Its awful and the boss has never done it in his life. He doesn't know how awful it is.

I guess filing would be more fun if you had someone to talk to while doing it. But, I sadly have no friends at my job. Jimin and Hoseok are really my only friends nowadays. I still talk to Yoongi and the others, but it's rare. I find it weird how it's rare when Yoongi and Jimin are dating.

I sighed. As much as I don't want it to... My brain keeps thinking about Taehyung. I keep thinking about how confused he looked. How bright his smile was. How good-looking he still is. How tall and built he's gotten. I would be lying if I said I don't find him attractive. I'd be lying if I said that I don't like him. But, he hurt me. He is who caused me to have trust issues. He's the one who has hurt me. And... I don't want to be hurt again. 

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