Chapter 10

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~Jungkook pov~







And more damn emails.

I groaned as I went through all my emails. I looked at the bosses schedule and I made sure all the times were at his liking.

I sighed as I saw an email from another company. It was a meeting request. I sighed and I read over it. I went ahead and made the meeting. I then sent the schedule in an email to my boss.

I waited for a rude, angry reply. I refreshed the page. Nothing. I refreshed it again. Nothing. I refreshed again and I had an email. I clicked it.

Thank you Jungkook.

My eyes widened. Omg, the boss is sick. He's being nice, something must be wrong. I looked towards his office. I didn't hear any yelling. I shrugged. My phone began to ring. I sighed and answered it.

"Mr. Kang's office, this is his secretary." I answered, trying my best to sound cheerful.

"Yes, I would like to schedule a one-on-one meeting with Mr. Kang. I'm from Mrs. Soo's company, from east Busan. You see..."

I groaned as the woman kept talking and talking. I don't care about this and neither does Mr. Kang. He hates one-on-one conversations with other company people cause they just want to get something out of you.

"So, what will be a good time for Mr. Kang?" The lady asked, concluding her long-ass speech of whatever she was saying.

"Well, I'm sorry. But Mr. Kang doesn't have the time nor the patience to deal with a one-on-one meeting at the moment, or anytime after this. Have a good day." I replied, hanging up. I sighed and began to go through the computer files for a thing Mr. Kang needs me to write about for his meeting in 2 weeks.

Though, I didn't get far into my search because of my phone. I just got a text. I sighed and reached into my pocket. I pulled my phone out and looked at it. It's from an unknown number. I clicked on it.






Who is this?

The number didn't reply, so I went back to work, thinking maybe the person just had the wrong number. I get those a lot. I also get scams a lot.

My concentration was cut short, due to my phone dinging again. I sighed and looked down.



My eyes widened at the name. Taehyung? Kim Taehyung? Why is he texting me? How is he texting me? How did he get my number?


Kim Taehyung?




How did you get my number???


A friend




Why do you want my number? Why are you texting to me?


I want to talk to you


There's nothing to talk about


Can't you tell that I don't want to talk to you


Listen, I just want to talk. We haven't seen each other in forever. I miss you and I want to catch up, please. I still care about you Jungkook


Taehyung, there is nothing to talk about




Delete my number


But, Jungkook


I'll block if you text me again

I got no reply. I sighed and put my phone down. I looked at the messages. My heart aches. It hurts. How much is going to hurt me? How much is going to make me feel pain? Why can't I move on? Why can't I just not care about him?

I still care for him.

I miss him, there's no doubt about it.

Do I still love him?

Hell yes, I still love him.

But....... I don't want to get hurt again.

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