Chapter 7

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~Jungkook pov~


"Haha, true." I laughed as me and Hoseok walked into the dance studio. We usually dance together on Sundays. On Sunday, the dance studio is closed, so no one will be here and I can dance without it looking weird cause, Hoseok and Jimin don't charge me to dance here.

"So, Jungkook, what genre are you feeling today?" Hoseok asked as we stretched. I thought a bit. Lately.... I've honestly been sad.

"Umm, I guess... sad isn't a genre, but slow, emotional music." I said. He nodded.

"What's got you feeling down?" He asked.

"Just... old feelings I guess." I replied. Hoseok nodded.

We finished stretching and we danced. We danced for about 3 hours before we both decided to call it a day. We drank water and cooled off. We talked some more, but since it was getting latish, I decided to leave.

I walked down the sidewalk. The dance studio isn't too far from my home. It's only a couple of blocks.

In no time, I was home. I walked straight to the bathroom. I quickly showered and put on more clothes. I walked to the kitchen I fixed me some ramen, since it's really the only thing I have.

I happily sat down to eat, but before I got too comfortable, there was a knock at the door. I sighed and put my ramen on the table. I stood and walked to the door. I cracked the door open. Jimin was there. I opened it all the way.

"Hi Jimin." I smiled. I let him. He walked inside.

"Hi, Kook." He replied.

"What are you doing out so late?" I asked, closing the door and walking back to where I was sitting.

"Ehh, Yoongi is asleep and I'm bored." Jimin replied. He sat down beside me.

"Why didn't you just sleep as well?" I asked, smiling.

"Well, I took a long nap earlier today, so I'm not tired. Plus we didn't spend the whole day together yesterday and I wanted to ask if you and Jin had fun catching up and stuff." Jimin said.

"Oh, we did. When Namjoon got off, I talked to him as well. I missed them. I'm glad I got to spend time with them." I smiled.

"I'm glad. Jin talks about you a lot. I told him where you lived, but he never visited because he didn't know if you wanted to see him." Jimin said.

"What? Why would he think that?" I asked.

"Because, in 9th grade, you became so depressed and... just, not you.... everyone was afraid to talk to you. They didn't want to make matters worse." Jimin explained. I sighed as I remembered the way I was in 9th grade. It's not a memory I like to remember.

"Speaking of which... what even made you act like that?" Jimin asked. I looked down at my empty bowl. Dang, I must have been hungry.

"Jimin... you know why." I said. I stood and walked to the kitchen. Jimin followed me.

"Yeah, I know that it was Taehyung, but what exactly did he do?" Jimin asked. I sighed.

"He left." I answered.

"Left you for another person?" Jimin asked. I gripped the bowl as I washed it.

"I don't know. He just left. No good-bye, no warning, and no damn explanation." I replied, drying the bowl. I put it in the cabinet and walked to my room. Jimin followed me. I sat down on my bed and plugged my phone into the charger.

"I just... I don't understand what happened... why he left. We were so happy. I smile when I think about us." I sighed.

"Do... do you miss him?" Jimin asked. I nodded.

"Yes... sadly." I answered.

"Do you still love him?" Jimin asked. I looked down.

"... Of course, I do." I answered, tears forming in my eyes. I blinked them away. I looked up.

"I miss the way we would laugh together. I miss the way we could joke and no one else would understand. I miss the long nights of us texting and FaceTiming. I miss the times we had sleepovers. I miss our dates. I miss taking baths together and playing with bubbles like children. I miss the way he would hold me as we slept. I miss the way he would ruffle my hair. I miss the way he would lightly kiss my temple if I was hurt. I miss.... Everything about him Jimin." I said, tears falling from my eyes. Jimin scooted closer to me and he hugged me.

"It's okay Jungkook..." He said softly.

After a few minutes of crying on his shirt and getting it soaked, we pulled away. I sniffled and wiped my tears.

"You have work tomorrow, Kook." Jimin said.

"I'll go so you can sleep. We don't want your boss to be a dick to you again for being late." Jimin said. He stood.

"Lay down." He said. I did, though I was confused. He tucked me in and smiled.

"I'll lock the door for you and turn the lights out. Goodnight, Kook." He smiled.

"Goodnight, Jimin. Thank you." I said.

"No problem." Jimin replied. He walked out of my room and lightly closed the door. I then heard him walk out of my apartment.

I rolled onto my side and I stared off into the blackness of my room. I wish Taehyung was here. I wish he was the one who is comforting me. Then again, if he was, I wouldn't even be sad.

I sighed and closed my eyes. I then drifted off to sleep. 

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