Chapter 6

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Jin qing stayed on the side of the banquet. There were merry talk and some dancing and performing, but Jin qing stayed quiet like how she usually does. There was no point in her trying to show off some talent that everyone else would have as well. 
Besides, that would draw too much attention. 

Unfortunately, not talking to anyone also made her stick out like a sore thumb to those paying attention. 

Shang ye leaned over to Xi jian "Jin qing hasn't spoken or been spoken to this entire night."

Xi jian looked at her with an amused look on his face "she wants to stay in the shadows huh? Well, there is no point for her to stay like that."

he laughed "You have an evil side, brother."

"get a bow and some arrows, its time for our performance"


"Us brothers pride in our archery skills," Xi jian said, "We would like to show our skills as our performance tonight."

Some enthusiastic applause backed up Xi jian when he notched an arrow. He let it fly toward the target that is facing the door, and it hit a bullseye.

Everyone shifted uncomfortably, this was it?

Xi jian calmly notched another arrow, and split the arrow he shot before in two.

A round of applause greeted him.

Each brother did their tricks, and when Fu chen shot his arrow blindfolded, the room erupted in applause.

"One more!" Xi jian said to everyone surprise. "I have a story to tell everyone."

"Today while I was hunting with my brothers, we came across a lady with archery skills better than anyone we have seen."

Jin qing put down her cup to prevent herself from choking on her drink.

"She is a gentle lady, her voice sweet and low." Shang ye continued "yet when she is holding a bow and mounted on a horse, she changes into a goddess, skills unmatched." He walked around the room "guess who it is." He invited.

"It must be the princess Chun ting!" Someone shouted.

There was some other guesses but no one mentioned Jin qing's name.

"None" Xi jian smiled

Shang ye walked over to Jin qing and held out his hand. "Will you get up and demonstrate your skills?"

Jin qing smiled shyly. "I feel honored by your highness's compliments. But, you are overstating my skills. I am just a lady who likes archery- nothing compared to your highness."

Shang ye laughed out loud. "Let your bow and arrow talk for themselves." He looked at everyone in the room "I would like everyone to get up, for Jin qing's performance will be outside."

Jin qing mentally sighed and pictured all the things that she could have done that morning for this not to have happened.

She weighed out her options. There of course is the option of failing on purpose- but that would be bad for her and the princes' reputation. Then there was the option of declining and gather even more attention onto her-- the princes aren't going to take no for an answer anyway. 

The obvious choice would be to agree and go along with them. As much as she wanted to stay quiet and in the back, there was no working her way around this time. 

When she walked outside, Fu chen was the first one to approach her.

Jin qing curtsied"Greetings to your highness"

"I apologize if my brothers caught you by surprise." He said politely, looking around nervously. "I tried to talk them out of it, but they were insistent. I couldn't change their minds."

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