Chapter 53

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"My story?"

"Why," Jin qing gestured to the boiling water "This is how the rich do it. They chat and tell each other stories or little bits of their life while waiting for tea and snacks."

The little girl looked astounded and glanced over at her little brother. "But-"

"Oh, so you don't want to go first?" Jin qing asked, interrupting her. "Your brother will be fine, there's no use fretting over him when the water is still cold."

"I mean..." The girl looked over at the array of things laid out, then back at the two women in front of her. "Why should I tell you?"

"One, there's nothing better to do and unless you want to sit in silence, be my guest." Jin qing pointed out, "Two, why not? There's nothing to lose except for some energy, which can be easily gained back from some food and sleep. Besides, it allows me to help you better if I know your situation. You don't want to go back to that dirty alleyway do you?"

Jin qing needed her to talk. This girl would be the source of most of her information about the people in the streets, how they became the way they are and how they see the wealthy.

Though Jin qing can learn much by simply observing, it would be a lot easier if she heard it firsthand from someone who had been in this city a lot longer than she had.

The little girl fiddled with a piece of freshly cut ginger, not looking up at Jin qing to meet her eyes.

Yu Qi sighed and settled back in her seat comfortably. "I'm hungry."

Jin qing smirked. Only Yu QI would care about being hungry in such a situation. "If you're hungry, go get some food. Bring some back for this little girl and her brother too."

Ah... That reminds me...

As soon as Yu Qi left, Jin qing turned back to the little girl with a smile "You already know our names, but we don't know yours. Mind introducing yourself a little?"

"Nian Zhen" she answered, "And my brother's name is Xiao Wen."

"See?" Jin qing answered "That's a wonderful start. Now, do you want to sit in silence or tell us your story?" She asked, "At this point, I can only help you with your brother's bit of illness, but if you tell me more, I can help you more."

"Why are you helping us?"

Jin qing chuckled "You ask that a lot, don't you? And every time I'll give you the same answer- what's so wrong with a human helping another?" Jin qing did feel a little bad for not telling her the truth, but it wasn't entirely a lie either.

"Why don't you tell me your story?" Nian Zhen asked. "You're always asking me for mine, but why don't you say yours first?"

Ah... This little girl is smart.

"Nian Zhen, how old are you?"

"I'm turning thirteen." She answered, "My brother is ten."

Jin qing looked over at the boy, the back at Nian Zhen.

Neither of them looked like their age, especially with their thin frame.

Jin qing nodded and lifted the lid of the pot, checking if it was boiling yet. She didn't want to say anything in response and wanted to see how Nian Zhen would react.

"I answered your questions." Nian Zhen glared at Jin qing, a hint of defiance in her voice "Are you ever going to answer mine? You said it yourself that it's better to talk while waiting for the tea, and I asked you for your tale."

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