Chapter 33

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Kai feng's voice rang through the ranks of his army. "Soldiers of the great Wei!"

They responded by pounding their weapons on the hard, dirt floor, dust rising a little as the instruments of war and blood resonated to the underworld.

"There might be a chance where you or the fellow soldier beside you will not live to see the next sunrise that will grace our glorious kingdom." Kai feng rode his horse a little bit more forward so he was closer to his men. "But do not be afraid, as your life would not be in vain. Die bravely, and the great Wei will be safe."

Jin qing and Shang Ye sat on their own horse behind them, listening.
This group... would have the most dangerous part of the plan, the distraction. If they don't do their attack well, the deception would fail and this would simply turn into a massacre.

"The fate of this city rides on our shoulders!" Kai feng exclaimed. "Will we let the will of the gods down by failing to complete our duty?!"

The soldiers once again pounded their weapons on the floor and answered in unison.  "NO!"

"If you die today, do not be afraid! Stand strong! The heavens are with us! The heavens are with our Emperor! And do we, their faithful servants and defendants, allow disgraceful men into the country blessed by the heavens above?"

The men roared, raising their weapons into the air. "NO!"

His horse stepped back so he was in line with Jin qing and Shang Ye. "Then let us fight! Fight for our everlasting honor!"


"For the Wei!"


Jin qing and Shang Ye exchanged glances.
A smile played on his lips, completely at ease.
Jin qing answered with a small but fake smile of her own.

They were going to be fine.

We're going to be just fine.

Kai Feng looked at Jin qing with a small nod. "Ready?"

"Yes. Are you?"

"Ready as I ever will be." He turned to Shang Ye. "Be careful, your highness."

"Of course." Shang Ye nodded "you too."

Shang Ye turned to the gates, the sun setting in the sky.
The attack had been postponed to sunset, as the morning patrol of the Song would have been weakened with fatigue from working all day.

The reinforcements on the side were prepared to strike as soon as the time was right. All they need was the element of surprise on their side.

The gates opened, and the men marched out, The trio at the head, leading them.

Jin qing had a white silk cape instead of a red one like Kai feng and Shang Ye, marking her status and who she was.
Her watchful eyes scanned around, and ready for the countering of the Song.

As soon as the crosses the makeshift bridge over shallowest and the narrowest part of the river, the Song appeared, and the two sides clashed.
Only a part of the army crossed the bridge, the rest crossed on the shallowest parts of the water as the Song was too occupied on the assault on land to worry about the others on the sea.

Jin qing followed closely behind Shang Ye, but they were soon separated.

She swept in on her horse, swinging her spear at any enemy that came her way, moving in perfect unison with her horse.

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