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Dawn; the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise.

C H A P T E R    O N E

Among other things, I would have never thought leaving for college would be the hardest. The fact that I wouldn't have my mom to help me find my favorite pair of jeans or my dad to treat me with a plate of my beloved pancakes with a whole load of Nutella was making me realize that things were about to get a whole lot real. I couldn't stop walking around frantically in my room as my mind grasped the concept of what life was actually going to be like.

I finally lifted my head to look at the violet-colored walls for the last time in a while, having flashes of the seventeen years I'd spent amongst it. I grabbed the framed photo of me and my older brother at my graduation and headed downstairs. Since I was a rarely noticed person in high school, I got through it with a minimal amount of drama which I couldn't be more grateful for.

"Please be safe and take care of yourself. I love you, darling," my mom sniffed, wiping a tear. "And do not forget to call me once you reach the campus."

Just then, my dad came into view; I hugged my parents. "Don't worry, you guys. I will be fine." I didn't wholly know if I was convincing them or myself or how much truth these words of mine held. "I love you guys. Please take care of yourselves as well. Mum, I will be okay, please stop crying."

"I got this, honey. You get going. We love you too." My dad said, putting an arm around my mom's shoulder because now the tears were flowing uncontrollably. They waved their hands at me as a gesture of goodbye when I looked out of the window of the car.

A small smile laced with amusement made a way to my face, recalling she had done the same when Chris, my older brother, left for his college about two years ago.

With the scent of home fading away and my paranoia towards the new life increasing as the car caught up speed, I left for college.

I wanted to invest my time in college studying Economics because it had fascinated me ever since I was introduced to it and the fact that I chose that as my major was a piece of evidence that my fascination was never-ending. The other three members of my family had their interest sparked in professions that were very typically oozing out of pure sciences. Both my parents were doctors; my dad was a surgeon while my mom was a pediatrician which would be the sole reason why I was so well acquainted with children. My brother, Chris, on the other hand, was an engineer. Well, going to be one.

So, I had been quite surprised when my dad was okay with me choosing economics as my major. But I could bet my life that my mom would rather have me do something out of the field that earned them their economy because she wasn't as happy as one would want with my choice of subject, but she let it go nevertheless, a few taunts escaping her mouth every once in a while as always.

We weren't among the elite folks of the country, but it would suffice to say that money had never been an issue.

My parents wanted to accompany me until the campus. And if it were up to my mom she wouldn't leave unless she was completely satisfied that I'd successfully settled in my dorm but they had to stay back due to any emergency that might pop up in the hospital. Chris couldn't get any leave from his uni, so I had to go to mine alone.

With every kind of thought flooding my mind, I stepped out of the car. I was more than fascinated when I finally registered the surroundings in my vision. It took a lot of hard work and avoiding of parties to get into the New York Univeristy, but the sight in front of me made it all worth.

I closed the door of the car with a thump. I was finally standing in front of the institution I had dreamed of studying at since the start of high school. A beige-colored building resided in front of my vision with a purple flag containing the letters 'NYU' waving about due to the soft wind. The glass windows on the building carefully held the reflection of the yellow colored cabs carrying people to their respective destinations. NYU's campus was quite concentrated, and it was all around Washington Square Park. I couldn't wait to explore all of it, but I stood there for a good ten minutes, stunned and in complete awe of the sight of my campus.

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